Christ its finally good to be in my house


Then find some other shit thats going to need fixed. :hsdance:

And it begins.

No fucking internet till the 19th at the house(Comcast says they have no other time to come). I might go crazy, or end up buying a bunch of used PS2 games to play.

Congrats, glad it all worked out for you guys. Now the whole “home improvement” onslaught begins. Say Hi to Home Depot for me…

:stupid: :rofl:

pics of said house?


Where did you buy again?

penn hills


it was definitely drawn out long enough!

I won’t steal all the thunder, I’ll let you share the pics of the pristine woodwork, and just give em a lil teaser of the house itself!

Once again, Congrats Dom and Maggie!

nice landscaping.

thats with the previous owners shit still in there. I am sure pics of 50 boxes wont help. Once we get settled i guess i can take more.

heh, you should see the major problem i found last night, seems the upstairs tub is leaking… straight down the chandelier in the dining room ROFL. that and I found a few more wiring problems in some outlets. I had a good surge protector arc inside it self and pop real loud in my hand. Scared the shit out of me. LOL.

I could seriously get away with a weedwacker with as much grass as I have.

Home Depot pawns you…

Congrats! Looks great. I dig the barbecue pit.

yeah, needs some work but I might have to put some effort in it.

already have about 175 in gift cards ready to be blown

I would wait a week and call the home warranty company… they should take care of it. The problems weren’t found in the home inspection, but I would wait the week to make sure they don’t try to pull a “pre-existing” condition. The house did also have seller’s protection, so it’s had coverage in effect…

I know at my house, once I take care of one thing another shows it’s head!

they just turn the garage into a apartment?

unfortunatly. I guess there was some older guy that lived back there for a long time. From what we understand it was the owner before last that did it. No I have the task of either renting it(headache) or converting it back(headache). I think I would rather have a garage. Gas and electricity are already ran to the place so I could have heat back there as well.

ain’t that the damn truth…

very nice…

If you need any furnace or air conditioning shit taken care of thats not under the home warranty let me know.

I am sure we will post, the furnace is relativly new, the inspector said it was a good unit. I wont know how well the AC works till spring of coarse.