cig prices

I don’t see smoking joes raising his prices.
Tho It would be nice to see cheapo cigs double in price, So I can encourage my pops to quit.

He will. Just like gas. He pockets a lot of the difference he gets with no taxes since he knows he’s still the cheapest. Ever wonder why he keeps expanding and building new businesses? It’s because our gas taxes are ~60 cents a gallon but he’s usually only 20 cents cheaper. Where other gas stations are making 3 cents a gallon, he’s making 20 times that, and selling a ton of it. Profiteers like him are the reason that the state is looking to collect tax from them, and he’s really only screwing the little guys on the reservations if they do.

fuck you NY :tdown:

Good thing I have friends down south. I’ll just have 'em send me cartons via the mail. They were way cheaper before the tax hike and seem to taste better as well

Or go to the res, whatever is easier :gotme:

tax is hailed as a success:

Cigarette Tax Declared a Success
by Amy Passaluggo
File photo
Published Jun 16, 2008

New York state health officials have declared the state’s new cigarette tax a success. The state raised the tax earlier this month to $2.75 cents a pack.

State Health Commissioner Doctor Richard Daines said since the increase, the number of calls to the state’s smoker’s quitline has quadrupled some weeks to nearly 10,000 calls.

New York State’s cigarette tax is the highest in the nation.

:bigclap: more people who won’t have health problems later on nom-ing up my tax dollars.

LOL, find someone in the services… 27 dollar cartons lol

I’ll hook ya up with a 5 dollar mark up so 32 dollars per carton :slight_smile:

AWESOME! Now douchebags who smoke can stop killing me while they enjoy their slow painful death.

DAm! Am I ever glad I quit smoking. i find it funny as hell how everyone seems to bitch about the cost and expense of medical “treatment” . Why doesnt anyone ever bitch about the cost of a “cure”. Oh ya I forgot. Doctors do not cure diseases anymore, they treat them.

has anyone even looked at the numbers ive given? Smokers pay for you to have lower taxes if NYS stopped smoking they would have to make up BILLIONS of dollars somewhere they are spending minnimum ammounts on the stop smoking program and the rest of the money goes to other NYS programs. and all of you bitching about how you dont wanna pay for smokers needing lungs and kidneys and shit, if you smoke or drink you get denied for that shit. do some research someone find some numbers refuting these and ill be all for it.

ugh i have to quit smoking.

This just in, prices didn’t go up on the rez yet, so I doubt they will. My boss was misinformed.

i quit smoking almost a week ago, it only sucked for about a day.

figured i’ve saved like $40 this week already :tup:

I’ve been done for over three months now. I will never go back. Funny how clearly I can see both sides of this “debate”.

Yeah, here too. Glad we got rid of it inside buildings - especially eating establishments.

Steve, I thought you quit?

nah, still smoking… quite for a little while :\

i hate smoking but its still fucked up how they are raping you guys. its completely not fair.

i completely agree

heh heh

ya this does kind of suck

but cartons of marlboro reds are only 31.70 at the res and I was there saturday or sunday

just think of it as a 401k for your medical bills when you get emphysema or lung cancer on medicare

ahhh… killing yourself so you dont have to work as hard! good ol’ america.