cig prices

of course tobacco costs non smokers. do you really think that lung transplant, quadruple bypass, and various other wildly expensive surgeries are all covered by an increase in insurance premiums by smokers only? whether health insurance is privately or publicly funded, smoking costs all of us money, either in incrementally higher taxes, or indirectly higher insurance premiums.

thank you.

overall, this is just about the only case that i favor higher taxes. if smokers are going to cost the general population money, then they should pay a premium and absorb more of the true cost they create… but, you couldnt tax cigarettes enough to cover the costs.

but your not seeing the fact tobacco pays out 25 billion a year for states to cover the extra heath costs and the states are using it to pay off debt and for other programs and only applying the mandated minimum for smoker related issues so really tobacco is helping the states

Edit: also smokers wouldnt qualify for transplants they generally dont give you healty organs if your going to destroy them when someone else wont. Just like if you have any history of a drug problem and 20 years later you need a kidney or liver too fucking bad, its to big a risk.

also i dont know if i came off like i disagree on that point but i totally agree with that even being a smoker, if i need a lung or heart in 10-20 years i wouldnt think i would deserve it over a healthy non-smoker that just had bad luck i know the risks and that im destroying my body i may not of known when i first started at 12, but i knew they wouldnt make me healthier.

yeah I went to smokey bones in erie and it was pretty unorthodox sitting near that crap again… i dont see how restaurants could ever allow it in the first place

thats fucking gay, you have no idea what youre talking about. i really enjoy smoking and im pissed about these prices going up its fucking bullshit.

i want to know when nys is going to put $1 tax on all big macs becuase they make you morbidly obese. some people eat at mcdonalds everyday, i dont, but some people do. think that shits any better for you?

they should tax the fuck out of alcohal becuase how many people die becuase of a drunk driver hitting them? alot. As well as for the health risks.

I’m being sarcastic ofcourse…but just sayin…I think it’s lame that NY keeps taxing the fuck out of us so they can throw more money at their pet projects.

i agree. pay 5 dollars to die? just to end up paying thousands in medical complications? i will never get it

its extremely relaxing, i love smoking with other people who smoke, but if im at a public place i love stepping outside for a smoke, it lets me clear my head for a bit.

everyone has their vices, some people drink too much, some people are womanizers, some people are addicted to the gym, junk food, energy drinks, booze, coke, weed, ect… pointing fingers at smokers and saying youre dumb or what you do is bad is just stupid. im sure if you looked at yourself you would find someting you like and you rely on. everyone has their crutch

im done here


When? I may need to come visit you soon

there’s a difference between the whole unhealthy food/fat thing and smoking. You do need to eat to live. There are people with good metabolisms that can eat stuff like that all the time and be no worse for wear, and most people can eat it once in awhile with no problem. Smoking is never positive to the health.
On the contrary, for people who think we should tax obese people, there are people who are fat for reasons other than laziness/gluttony. Genetics, metabolism, endocrine diseases, etc. There is no disease that makes you start smoking. Hence the difference, and reason why you can’t lump the 2 together.

I eat mcdonalds every day and i am indeed morbidly obese.

fair enough, but whats your crutch joe? i know you have one. everyone does

and steve, srsly? how the fuck do you do it?

coke, lots.
i think i burn the food off as i chew it.

I didn’t read a single post in this thread… but I’d like to offer my services.

I’ll make a cig run once a week and bring them to Mighty for $5 a carton… ontop of the price it cost me to get it.

call if you’re interested.

seneca menthol ftw, 12bucks for a cartoon, costs me a 1.25 a day to smoke, not a big deal.


they also start fires :tup:

the point of my original post was to bring up the point that NYS relys on tax money from smokers, and with these price increases they are going to price themselves out of the competition.

end result is people quiting, forcing more people to abuse welfare/etc, or more people buying from the rez.

i dont smoke inside, those fuckers (senecas) dont go out thou but whatever. im with jam on this one as well. i just like to smoke. and everyone complaining about paying money to kill yourself, you could get in your car today get t-boned and be dead. you just never know so why not do what you want