cig prices

The problem is that if you’re a smoker and you don’t have any you HAVE to have them. Its like being super hungery. Its all you can think about untill you get one. And if you don’t have any you start to feel sick as fuck and you cant think straight. I’ve tried quitting a few times but I fall back into it every time. The longest I’ve gone was 2 weeks. I couldn’t take the never ending throbbing headache anymore and caved. starting to moke was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. It consumes you. The addiction is absolutly INSANE!

yeah both my parents smoked when I was growing up as well. I hated it but being around it so much I just fell into the habbit. I go throught 1 1/2-2 packs a day. I get a carton of Camels from the rez ($27) and it lasts me usually like 6 days or so.

i kicked the habit cold turkey no problem, all while being around people who smoke and drinking. you have to want to though.

I do and don’t like to smoke…it has a calming effect on you because it opens more dopamine receptors in your brain. I hate the fact that I run out of breath easy, get winded in 1/4 the time I used to even when I was an out of shape fat fuck, and I’m always coughing shit up. The addiction takes hold is some people more so than in others. For some quitting is damn near impossible…and in some its no big deal.


if you smoked 14 packs a day thats $33K

if you smoked 14 packs you would die of a heart attack from too much niccotine. You would have to have one every 5 mins for 24 hrs.

I currently work for a health insurance company and I can tell you that there is a real push to create pro-active health care. What this means is that the health insurance company will offer incentives to get their customers into a healthy life style. Exercise, eating healthy, stress reductions, etc. All this will create less health costs for the average person. Smokers will be paying more for health insurance in the near future, which will just be another expense added to an already expensive habit.

:word: any more than 2 packs a day and I feel sick.

thank god I live close to the rez though, I smoke like a fuckin chimney these days.

I love that people are thanking god they live close to a reservation. “Thank God I can continue to feed a disgusting habit that kills me.”

As insurances should, why should i a non smoker have to pay for their patches , healthcare, various other medically related issues.? Yeah smokers have rights but still why do i have to pay for them killing themselves.
I think i need some fresh air, step outside and light up, (could we be more of a hipacrit?)
Same goes for morbidily obese people, to the super fat lady taking the handi scooter thru the store, its your fucking fault your that big (stuffin the cart with all kinds of non healthy products), dont expect my sympathy when you cant walk more then 10 ft w/o losing your breath.
Insurance should be based on the person, not a flat out across the board decision,

^ so easy for a non-smoker to say.

youd be singing a much different tune if you smoked.

But why should i/we have to pay for your/their decisions? im not the one who makes you do it.

You’re saying that like you didn’t have the choice on if you were going to smoke or not.

And yeah, i’m with altima rollin…i shouldn’t have to pay for someone elses bad choices.

do you relize the miniscule ammount of taxes that go into those stop smoking programs those are funded by big tobacco anyways just like the gambling addiction programs are heavily supplimented by casinos. You have no idea what your talking about so STFU

anyone remember how much tobacco gave the government in that court deal?

Edit heres an article snippit: Since the November 1998 multi-state tobacco settlement, we have issued regular reports assessing whether the states are keeping their promise to use a significant portion of their settlement funds – expected to total $246 billion over the first 25 years—to attack the enormous public health problem posed by tobacco use in the United States.

So basically your not paying anything and smokers are helping fund your programs

New Edit: heres another Tobacco Generated Revenue (FY2008)
$1,789.2 million

CDC Recommended Minimum Spending on Tobacco Prevention
$95.8 million

Actual Spending on Tobacco Prevention (FY2008)
$85.5 million

So actually the states taking tobacco money and using it to suppliment your own taxes without the extra revenue from tobacco your taxes would go up, all you guys saying"i dont wanna pay for smokers to kill themselves" try some research this took me 2 mins

Ah proving another theory of mine. Smoking is a practice of the weak. No one made you smoke.


And I feel that way about active/inactive people as well.

haha ok. you’re right…keep smoking :tup:

did you read any of what i just quoted

tobacco revenue $1,789.2 million
spending on tobacco programs $85.5 million

heres another quote
But Governor Pataki has advocated using most of the tobacco money to help reduce state debt, and spending only about $100 million a year on health-related expenses. Only part of that – Mr. Pataki has not specified the amount – is planned to help the uninsured.

how is tobacco costing you anything

most of our state tax goes for medicaid.
most medicaid people smoke newports.
most people who smoke newports get sick.

Eeeeewwww Newports.