Circuit City warranty

Bought my wife a portable CD player and she noticed that they charged me for the extended warranty policy. No one ever asked me if I wanted it.

Mistake or on purpose? I’m thinking it was accidental, but wondered if anyone else has had this happen at CC?

i bet it was on purpose. here’s my thinking. to add on a warranty i’m sure you have to hit a couple extra buttons… mistakes usually involve not hitting buttons.

I bet it’s on purpose. They are probably like Best Buy… except Best Buy asks you if you want it, and then if you say no they get shitty with you and tell you that if it breaks don’t bring it back because they aren’t going to fix it.

on purpose. if it’s like when I worked at a place that sold them the check out people had a quota to meet of selling them. NTB did it to me once.

on purpose… i know, i used to work there

Did they actually come right out and encourage doing this, or was it kind of implied?

they give you outrageous quotas to meet, so people would just add it on. I never did it i just took the verbal lashing they gave me for not meeting my quota. that place is a shit hole when it comes to management

ya, they let me go for making to much money… damn changing from comission to hourly bullshit

salary > comission

not sure how you figure that… some of the top sales people at CC were making 50-70k a year on commission… only working like 40 hours a week too… not bad for a sales job

i heard some of the CC’s are going out of business
IMO they used to be decent, but lately BestBuy has been owning them.
nicer store, more merchandise, etc…

CC just closed 20 stores i think, they are getting ready to be bought out most likely. like i stated earlier, their management sucks ass…

i dunno. I just like the security of knowing exactly how much money I will have week in and week out. Comission is nice if you have a decent base salary, but im imagining that most of the people that work the floor arent making all that much hourly. it could snow for a week and the store is slow as shit so you dont make bunk. Same here in OC. If it rains, the outdoor based restaurants are fucked. A couple of weeks of crappy weather and you dont have enough money to pay the rent.

sales sucks… not me at all… so i can’t comment.

but i used to be salary-hourly and now i’m just salary and it suxors.

sucks when i come in on a sunday for 2 or 3 hours here and there… stay late an hour here and there… and still get the same pay…

you dont punch in and out at all? I’m still gonna have to. Then you get a monthly or quarterly or maybe even weekly report of what your hours are looking like. So for me, when I work 42 hours one week, i just duck out early 2 hours the next week, or whatever. Not sure how that is gonna work exactly, im still hourly for another couple of weeks.

i used to… now i don’t even have set hours… i can come in at 3pm and work until 12 midnight if i wanted.

so there are perks, but if shit goes down and i’m stuck here for hours on end… i do’nt get shit for it.

to put it in perspective… i got paid… xx,xxx amount of dollars plus overtime when it applies… i went to full salary, no overtime, plus a 10,000 raise… and i make the same as i did with over time.

so i get screwed sorta i mean, i get paid… but i work more hours than 9 a day

yeah i hear that. The 10K raise is pretty nice though. The one i got was about $6,000 if you dont count overtime. I tell you what though, not having to work overtime this summer will be fucking great. ive NEVER had a job in OC where you get 2 days off. You are lucky if you get one at all.

but it’s like… get 10k and work overtime with getting paid… or get paid less and work the overtime and actually make more if you put in more hours.

then again, when i take 2 hour lunches and leave at 3pm i’m not crying about it… :boink :boink

shit, if i were you, i’d be recording my hours. at the end of the year, tally up how much over your 40hrs/week you have, it its 40 hours, dont show up for a week. If you only showed up for 30 hours a week, you think they wouldnt do something about it?

circuit city made me a lot of bling