civic door lock problem

Ok so for the past 2 months the winter really took it’s toll on my car.

Lately my drivers side door lock has been stuck on lock… meaning the only way to get out of my car is to roll the window down, unlock from the outside, re-insert the key, roll the window up, and get out. It has been a huge PITA.

It is a nice day today so I figured I would investigate.

All of the rods running to the door jam lock are free moving and lubricated. The blue door lock controller is making a loud click when trying to unlock the door, but obviously nothing is happening.

It appears as if something in the jam is seized, and after PB’ing the shit out of it, i am hoping for some luck but it doesn’t look too good.

Honda guys help me out with this one, am I due for a new door jam mechanism? Is the “blue door lock controller” fried? HELP, this sucks.


paging 99_civic-si


To clarify: I figure it cannot be the door lock controller unit.

I can unlock and lift the handle from the outside, but as soon as I release… it stays locked.

Fucking WNY winters…

My car does this, when you flip the lock also pull the interior handle. It moves something and allows you to unlock. Kinda hard to explain, but basically pull the handle and flip the lock switch thing at the same time. I’ve got manual locks, I’m guessing you do as well.

only cuz you paged me and made me feel special…
Swing it by the shop tomorrow afternoon or monday. I’ll take a look at it. Explaining door lock rod shit over the internet is kinda tough to do.