CJRando's 99 BMW M3

hmmm oxy clean

Very nice car. Seems like it’s cleaning up well too.

Thanks! I’m try to get the car as clean as possible, while restoring it to OEM as possible before I start modding anything other than what’s done to it all ready. Right now I’m restoring the armrest and cleaning the old window tint off the drivers and passengers windows.

Its crazy what a difference some minor cleaning and repair can make on a car

Looks good, Chris…I’m a little jealous…lol

I wish I took pics of the trunk before I cleaned that out. Here’s my latest project, arm rest repair:



Wow. Doin work.

It’s been a while for me. I kinda miss it.

Welcome back to “the game” :wink: looking forward to the progress.

nice pick up rando. i bet that car is glad to be cleaned. i laughed to myself when i saw you got this cuz you were just talking about trading the other cars in for an h3

We were looking to get something that would be great in the winter. We do a lot of snowboarding and what not. After a lot of thought the H2 wasn’t the best choice. I only like them because I spent 8 years in the Marines. I’m not going to have the 1 Series much longer, so that’s one less car payment I won’t have to worry about.

yeah thats true. this does seem like the perfect mix of performance and luxury tho.

I just got done fixing the infamous “Dead Pixels” on the OBC (on board computer):


working display :slight_smile:

whatd you do exactly?

Edited :slight_smile:

I meant to fix the cluster but thank you for letting me into your life, haha.

LOL…i guess I’ll change it so everyone dosen’t know my life story :slight_smile:

There’s a cushion in it that wears out over time due to temperature changes. Basically you have to replace it, I used 3M double sided tape. This will allow the proper alignment between the actual display and the 2 layers of plastic film inside the OBC.

Rando can make u an engine harness using nothing but yellow wires. ;p

I call my weekend project, “M50 manifold Reboot.”

I has 3 issues with the former install.

#1: The IAT was broken. It was hanging on by a thin strip of RTV.

#2: TB coolant return line was crimped/crushed under the the intake manifold bracket.

#3: 2 vacuum lines were disconnected.

The cars throwing MAF and O2 codes right now. I’m hoping these repairs will correct the problem. It also looked like the last few oil changes missed the fill point and made there way down the side of the engine block. I also spent 2 hours cleaning this with carb cleaner. Here’s some before pics:

Update 1-8-10

This vehicle was absolutely punished. I knew it had issues before I got it, but I figured what the hell I’ll take a chance. When I picked it up it had overheating issues. There was no white smoke or any antifreeze in the oil upon initial inspection, so I though it may just need a water pump or thermostat. I knew the clutch needed to be replaced also, which is no big deal for me and the belt squealed like a dying cat (because of the holes in the “GTR” style hood on the vehicle). The bearings were shot from being soaked every time it rained.

I replaced thermostat (the water pump was recent replaced). It still overheated. I did the whole bleed the system thing to no avail. Perhaps its sucking air from the cap. Not that either. About a week later the head gasket blew. … now that was the problem all along. There was no antifreeze in the engine…only water. The head gasket was clogged with rust particles from the block. I had a feeling this was the issue the entire time, but I denied it :slight_smile:

Every time I take something apart there is another problem or part that needs to be replaced. So far its good all the way to the flex disk now.

Here’s some photos of the progress.

The punished block:

I think there are stalagmite growing on the valves:

Carnage in the valve cover:

The shredded Guibo:

The broken drain plug inside the oil pan:

More “goo” oozing out of the intake:

The Clogged Artery, I mean, Head Gasket:

Another Shot:

The Sachs Clutch and some OEM replacement parts:

Engine back together:

and another:

The transmission:

Now I just need to find some time to put this back in the car. I probably do it tomorrow. I praying I don’t run into an more “hidden” issues along the way.