CKY89.....Scammer? *Resolution on Page 9*

Unless you post your pre-ship pics, I think you’re forever going to be known as a scammer.


I don’t visit vortex or ditb unless i really need to. I also never check my email.
I apologized to him for it. I never wanted it to go this far, had I known about it, I would have had it taken care of.

It’s just an all around shitty situation. Hopefully everything gets worked out and you don’t end up losing more than half the money you got for the wheels in the first place.

I do have to agree with sherm though. It’s how it looks.

Oh well. x2 on the locking before it gets out of hand.

Hmm… That’s BS. They [UPS] could have whacked it against something and not broken the box.

So what do you think the problem was, just stuff shifting and banging around inside the package? Where’d the coverup paint come from, the buyer? Just trying to get a better handle on the situation…

Good luck with the resolution, regardless.

Everything you say sounds like what a politician would say. You never actually answer any questions, you just beat around the bush. That’s what guilty people do.

nice custom title

I don’t think that was cover up paint, it looks like some of the clear got chipped off.
I believe the bends may have come from the barrels sitting on one another and possibly have been clanking around during shipping. The packing material may have shifted and metal on metal contact may have occurred which is my thoughts, because that’s exactly what looks like happened.

Mods should merge the threads so if you try to sell something in the future, people don’t just find the shit talking.

Cavi Mike, I pray for you that I never meet you in person.

I’ve bought and sold enough locally. If people want to see things I will bring it to them. I appreciate it though! :tup:

This can be closed as well. I have posted all the information that needs to be posted.

Thanks to everyone who hasn’t shit on me about this situation.

So technically speaking, this would put the blame on you for not packaging the wheels properly. When I ship wheels, they each go in a seperate box.

Don’t start doing that. You seem too level headed then to resort to threats man.

Do it. You can cyber with aaron and I.:angryhump:

They were wrapped in shirts, had a piece of thick foam in between, and packing peanuts. I do agree with you though, it would be my fault for improper packing, but what I was saying is that they weren’t like that before I sent them. Either way I am Sending money to get them fixed for him.

Don’t start doing that. You seem too level headed then to resort to threats man.

The guy never stops. It’s beyond frustrating, it’s only him too.


This thread is extremely unnecessary, and all of you are an embarassment to professionalism.



Fuck. Hold on.
