This is really quite ridiculous.
I like the commercial…I do not like the thought of the sky being filled with these things.
Any reason why? It’s not like planes fly at 400’.
Stewart is awesome
Every plane flies at 400 feet…twice.
If I shoot down the drone, do I get to keep whats inside?
I don’t know, if you shoot down a UPS plane do you get to keep what’s inside?
Whatever’s left.
what if you take off from >400’?
Technically you own the airspace over your property “to a usable distance”. So I’d say if you could capture or shoot it down in your own airspace you could hold it and charge then with trespassing or similar. If someone was driving over your lawn would you care?
Now you’re getting technical.
I think a court could reasonably say that you cannot reasonably use the space 400 feet over your house. Then fine you for unlawfully discharging a firearm.
Good luck with that. :picard:
I seen a story about a guy who shot down a drone because he thought it was spying on his daughter…from what i remember he was arrested for discharging a firearm and had to replace the drone.
I own 5 acres, I can lawfully discharge a firearm in lots of space.
I know it’s an extreme example, but what if you raised pigons, or bees and your neighbor was constantly getting these deliveries? I doubt they drop staight down from 400 feet.
Did you even watch the video? You put a target in your yard, the drone camera scans your yard to make sure it’s clear, then lands on the little target. Once it’s on the ground it places the package on the target then takes off vertically to return home. It’s not an air drop from 400’.
He’s saying that he doesn’t think it hovers at 400’ directly above the target and comes straight down to land. As in it descends as it approaches the target.
However, I would think they would actually get as close to straight above the target as possible before descending from 400’.