Classic dealership b.s.

So iv’e had the SVT at the dealer a bunch of times for a problem with “clattering” when in neutral and my foot off the clutch. Last time I took it in they told me it is normal and it is not uncommon for that to be there. And all the times before that they told me all they heard was injector pulse. Fuckin car sound like its got 200k on it-and thats normal?
So i get pissed enough to call the service manager and discuss it with him. He somehow knew what car it was before i told him. Big surprise! Yea im that guy that is in with problem every oil change and even in between.
So i finally sit there in the lane with them and take them by the hand and show them the noise-indefinatlly heard it that time. And go about my day.
I get a call later that day from the advisor, apparentlly there is a tsb out on this for improperlly balanced flywheel problems and they have to pull the car apart next week. After all that u think they woulda checked for tbs’s first.

Sorry to hear about that… I hate dealerships sometimes.

i coulda told u not to by a ford :stuck_out_tongue:

what dealership?

i should knew better, but my dad works at the plant and i got his discount and it make him happy to see me in one. as for the dealership i really dont wanna say, incase someone on here works there. i really dont have any problems with the place when i deal with my usual advisor, and i dont wanna piss anyone off.

funny think is i work at a dealership too, and its near this one

just was curious cuase i used to work at a certain ford dealership, and it sounds like somthing they would do haha

hint:its in o.p.

do they sell alot of trucks? haha

im sure the burn outs had nothing to do with it.

replacing the transmission in my '94 4.6 thunderbird was cool at 50K, doesn’t everyone change transmissions by then?

then modding it to just shift NORMAL at 85K, that’s pretty cool too :tup:

Sounds more like a crap dealership than a problem with Ford…

I was waiting for someone with common sense to step in here. You beat me to it.

:biglol: it has been doin it alot longer than that…its just now i prove them wrong. so…dont be gay sparky.

shit like this happens at EVERY dealership … dirty tech scum hate doing warr. work cause thay dont make the big bucks … like when the rob old people for brake jobs they dont need

true as it gets

At the same time why are there two time quotes for paying techs. Warranty work is always quoted at less time than non-warranty work for the same job. Why, it’s the same job should pay the tech the same. I wouldn’t want to do warranty work either if I wasn’t being paid the same.

that’s their job. If they don’t like it they should find a different line of work. I do a ton of ish for people I don’t see a dime for. But I know that coming into my line of work and it comes with the terratory.

BL = don’t like it? Get a different job.

time to buy a toyota

like bdr said… ALL dealerships treat you like crap when it comes to warranty…

cept towne BMW on main st by transit… from what i hear they are awesome… which is why my next car will be a new m3 with the best warranty they offer…

Overall I like BMW.
With that said, they probably treat you ok with warranty because the cars are ridculously priced.
I went there to look at the X3 and was rolling on the ground laughing at the sticker price.
That vehicle is priced about $9000.00 too high.
My point is: Repair work is already paid for in the price of the vehicle.

so…bottom line is the car is at the dealer now. they are putting in a new flywheel and clutch to match. i was pissed cuz at first they said the clutch would not be replaced. but i guess they didnt read far enough into the TSB at that point. so im happy for now, as long as this fixes it.:wiggle: