classic shaving tools

alright guys… I’m going away for a few months on my own and I’m trying to get a hold of a single blade safety razor…you know…the classic ones.

for those of you, who don’t have a clue what I’m referring to, this is what it looks like:

Ever since I started shaving (I’m 22 by the way), I always used my dad’s single blade safety razor kits. he always finds someone who is coming from back home (srilanka) and tells them to bring him a kit or two. that razor is the ONLY type of razor that I ever used on my face( those razors give me the BEST close shave and they never cut my face up like the new fancy ones)…that and my Braun 7000 series.

I recently broke my single blade, and I tried using the new fancy shmancy 4 5 6 blade razors, and they piss me off. so I’m using my Braun 7000. I’m trying to get a hold of a single blade safety razor but they are nowhere to be found locally. online specialty shops are selling them for 50-100$ for a quality piece. I’m dying without one and I need one within a week.

my dad was no use.
ebay was somewhat helpful, I ordered some random ass safety razor to the new place. hopefully it won’t cause any problems
I’m still looking for one in local Toronto.

Now, I know there are a lot of older guys on here and might know where I’m coming from. so what do you guys use?


Video reference

I have a pretty nice single blade razor… Honestly I like my mach 3 more. I usually shave so fast that I cut myself with the singleblade.

I have gone with the rotoshave recently. Its the best shave I have had in a while. Look into it.

i look like a little shit if i shave my face fully so i just do trims and rock a ryker.

im kinda jelly of people who look cool with a shaved face though.

nice find. thanks

Yeah, that’s the smae place I got my stuff from. They have retail stores around the US

perfect use of network OT :slight_smile:

my brother’s gf went to some uppity place in Toronto to get him a really nice straight blade as a gift and they told her not to bother with it. Instead they recommended just going and getting someone who knows what they’re doing to give you a shave.

too many people cut themselves too often when trying to take this up apparently.

that might be okay for you :stuck_out_tongue: but an ADULT MAN that has to shave every morning isn’t going to go have someone else shave them …

i recommend the fancy handles they sell that accept mach 3 blades…looks classic and luxurious, but makes sense for actually using


I was using Mach 3 samples for years that my brother had left over from a promotion but when we ran out i couldnt bring myself to spend $30 on a pack of cartridges.

Then i found out that this is another perfect example of what you should be buying off of Ebay… they’re like a buck a piece for bulk, authentic cartridges… i’m set for 3 years :slight_smile:

Add that to the list of things that should only be bought on ebay.

blackberry or iphone accessories at 90% off
laser toner cartridges at 90% off
all kinds of other shit that retails at the mall in the $30 - $125 range that goes for $2 and free shipping on ebay.

at tony walker & co, in the body and beauty they carry e-shave, very similar to the products to the art of shaving

e shave has alot of good quality creams and oils that when i was working at TW i tested out from time to time
they also carry the fancy handled basic razors like king stated, i believe they use a 4 blade though (gillette proglide i believe)

their website

and one of the best things to shaving is one of these, i highly suggest it, i bought one and i LOVE it

I definitely don’t have time to deal with that. Gillette Fusion pro-glide for me.

how about a beard?

One day, ill hit puberty, and then I too will start needing to shave.

my dad and i split mach 3 razors on ebay 60 for $60 - cant beat it

yeah its awesome.

i saw a whole show on CBC about how dudes gank entire trucks of that stuff and hustle it to grey market dealers / flea market merchants etc and i’m totally fine with it.

Re: ebay mach3 cartridges… I did some research - the 60 for 60 ones are just “refills” aka not authentic - correct? I bought some the other day, new in genuine gillette package 45$ for 20.

My uncle John used to be the head of Marketing at Gillette, Then moved to Swiss Herbal or some shit a few years ago. I miss getting tons fo gillette and braun shit and duracells when i was a kid.

hmm, I use a gillete fusion (the one that vibrates) and those new 5 blade really sharp razors… I shave every day and these seem to do a damn good job… smooth as a baby everyday

Here’s a good thread on this discussion a while back:

I started out with a Mach 3, then switched to the safety razor. I recently switched now to a Fusion powered pro glide because I just haven’t been happy with how well I shaved with a safety razor. I may go back to it because the main problem I had with everyday run of the mill razors was the burn. I could never shave every day or even every other day without getting bad razor burn on my neck. And I have to say that this went away with the safety razor but so far the pro glide has done me well.