How many times do you use the same razor?

Just curious what’s an average amount of times people use a razor cartridge…obviously if you’re doing your back, legs, face, chest, pubes and arms on a regular basis then you don’t get many uses…but say if you’re only doing your face…how many times will you use the same cartridge before tossing it for a fresh one?

i use the 5-blade Gillette Fusion…and i honestly can only use each razor cartridge once…it sucks, i don’t know if i have overly sensitive skin on my face or what, but if i try using the same one more than once, i get the worst burn, all red and bumpy, and it hurts for a couple days…luckily, i’m Polish and Austrian, so i only have to shave like once every 4 or 5 days…

If you only need to shave every 4 or 5 days, is 5 blades really necessary? I shave every 2-3 days, although I really should not let it go to 3. I use the 5 blade Fusion too and get about 4-5 shaves with it before I need a new razor. And I can definitely notice a difference by the 5th shave it’s really pushin it.

WTF? I shave every day with the fusion and change the razor about every 35-45 days if i had to guess. No problems here.

Yeah I think that’s more typical. For guys with sensitive skin though, it just doesn’t work out well in the long run.

i shave every 4 to 5 days and use em only once
anyone use one of these. concept is ideal, but does it really work?

Honestly I used to buy all that MachIII bullshit.

Now I get the best shave out of these Schick disposable razors.

The bic ones suck, they rip up my face.

The schicks are cheaper than the bics, I think they are like $1.99 at walmart for 10 blades.

I throw them out after 2 uses, so like 10 cents a shave.

The way you make a razor stay sharp is keep it clean, and dry. If you leave it wet, the blade will get corroded, and the little pits will rip up your face, and you think its dull.


I’ve got a cordless trimmer that gets it down pretty close,I never shave it all off because I end up breaking out.Good for all kinds of hair,lol.

I still use the sensor excel, and get about 2 months out of one, shaving every day

dude, I have gone to a single blade razor cause it drives me nuts how clogged a multi blade razor gets after just a pass. I get like 10 shaves out of a single blade Bic and its just as close and whatnot as a multiblade without having to unclog it constantly.

I use the same one for like a year, I hate new blades. I love when its dull , cuts so much better for me. I shave with the grain, never against it.

I use mine atleast a good 20 times before i move on to a new Razor.If the cost of replacements were cheaper then i would use the same Razor less.

I tried that Infinity Razor and it sucked… I made a thread about it here a while ago.

I get about 3 or 4. You are doing something wrong if you only get 1 shave.

Shave in the shower or JUST after showering.
Change the shaving gel. Dove bar soap works really well.

hehehehehehehehe… (those who know me, know why im laughing)


Wait… you’re supposed to change the blade?

Probably 5-10 if I’m just doing my face…

mach 3… 2 uses, never more

i feel like im ripping the hair off my face if i use a fusion or any razor for that matter more than 4-5 times… but i still take the abuse most of the time