How many times do you use the same razor?

I use these awesome throw aways with 2 blades.
Nothing seems to work as good on my face.
I normally throw them out when they still work good, but id say about 3 uses. for just my face.

Guys dont normally shave thier arms and legs, well not any guys I know.

I can’t remember the last time I changed the blade on my Mach 3. A year ago maybe? I keep the blade against my face the entire time, the return strokes keep the blades sharp. Of course it’s not as sharp as the day I bought it but it’s not dull enough to pull my hair and I still get a perfectly smooth shave. Back when I shaved my chest I was commented on how smooth it was all the time.

Norelco electric shaver ftw.

Put blades in alcohol right after you rinse them and put a cap on the container… the blades will keep a TON longer than if you just let the water sit on them after you shave…

courtesy of Mens Health

I shave every other day and I change the mach 3 once a month, so roughly 15 shaves.

I use 2 blade razors, and only get about 3-4 uses before they start hurting my face.

:carnutdepends if im shaving my balls too!!! shit get dull after a couple…

been shaving with the same razor since i was 16…you should see it!

no im kidding, that would be gross

ive tried the mach 3 or 4 or 3532523523 w/e it is they call it now and they work great but i usually only used em 3-4 times and didnt feel like $8 for razor heads was worth it…so disposable FTW! <—however, if i dont NEED to shave my face i use an electric trimmer (one of the conair ones) and it gets pretty close n leaves a 5 o’clock shadow type look which is alright because then i dont look like im 10 then lol

At one point I had the same blade for about 6 months. I actually don’t like a super close shave though.

I use a fusion for probably a month or so. I should shave everyday but only end up shaving every 3-4 days. So about 10 shaves of just my face.

If anyone is using a razor on their balls they are crazy. Gotta use clippers for those.

i have the fusion and i go about 3 /4 months btwn blades… i shave face every monday… i also cant really grow anything worth wile anyway

i shave every day and use the quatro. new blade every other week maybe? then it becomes the balls/pits shaver and the cycle starts over

I usually shave once a week with a mach 3 and keep the blades for 2-3 months. I think shaving after a shower is key, everything is much softer/smoother.

you shave you armpits matt LOL?
Pretty much the same for me. I use a mach 3 regular, and only use it once for my face or else i get razor burn and cut the shit out of my face.After that its for the balls and chest.

+2 it moisturizes the hair and makes them stand up/ easier to shave.I only shave after a shower.

not often… like once a month i decide its time to get rid of the hair and start over.

worrd i just take my clippers to them every once and a while haha


the only thing i’ve been shaving is my neck for the past few months, so i’ve been re-using older blades for a while because my neck never gets irritated. custom length stuble here.

Same here, i’m french so somehow that means I have to shave everyday. I also use it to shave my back/chest once a week and it still lasts me a month.