cleaning my "dubz"

yessir well summers right around. i been working on the car a fair bit over the winter, but i can’t seem to trust myself cleaning my chrome-ies.

anyone out in the scarborough area got any good tips/could lend a hand?


What is wrong with the rims? CanadianTie sell stuff to clean chrome.

wd40 and steel wool, will bring them back to shine like no other, then polish them with a good chrome polish and they will look amazing

hey 60sohc -any specific steelwool size?

a breif description of the stains on the rims:
turtle wax chrome cleaner i beleive
stained from application to a hot rim

yeah just use a medium thickness, density whatever you want to call it, and wd 40, it should take it right off, whatever you do DO NOT use scotch brite, the steel wool is softer than the chrome and will not scratch the scotch brite is harder than the chrome and will eat the shit out of it.

^ ^ ^ awsome man thanks so much for the advic, i’ll throw up some before after pics to show the results. will that work on brake dust aswell or should i stick to my coke for the brake dust? ^ ^ ^

it should take mostly everything off down to the chrome again, make up a lil concoction of wd and coke and wow, you wont be able to look at those babys they will be shinin so much
hahah good luck man

blue paste sold at canadian tire.

comes in a round container, maybe 2" diameter, 3.5" tall

^^ cool ill look into that aswell ^ ^
thanks for all the help

that shit we use to shine up everything , we keep 2 tubs at the shop at all times man, best thing to happen to chrome since rap music

hahaha oh man this guy and his punch lines