clicking = cv joint?

When I turn slowly, and sharply (such as pulling into a parking spot) I can hear clicking. It just started today. But prior to the clicking, it would like… jerk a little. I hope you understand what I’m saying because I can not think of a good word to describe it.

It’s not my tires because they’re pretty decent. I took a peak under my car today and didn’t see anything that looked broken or anything. But I don’t really know what I’m looking for. And neither of my cv boots were ripped or anything.

Does clicking always mean cv joint? Ugh.

Edit: For the people who can’t read my sig, it’s a 99 subaru impreza 2.5rs

yes … change it

look at the boot again…
poke around inspect it …
look for grease all over the place.
See what side it clicks on (turning left or turning right).

one click? or repetitive clicking? does sound like a joint