Clank Clank Clank

ok so this week my car started to clanks when im turning, but its only under acceleration. when im not on the gas no clankage. Can anyone lead me to the right direction. Im thinking cv joints.

I think you’re probably right. Look for a torn CV boot.

oh its both turnbing left and right idk if that matters
god i dont wanna know how much new axles r gonna be for this thing

well that’s different. It’s possible both axles are bad at the same time but unlikely. Usually you can tell which axle is bad when it clicks aroud turns, because the CV joint is extended. What kind of car is it?

subaru svx

That’s what I thought by your Avatar. I hate to be the one to tell you this but it sounds like your Viscous coupling unit for the all wheel drive is on its way out. It’s a common SVX issue. You could try changing out the fluid and adding a good slip lock additive. That might help you out.

Bearing, halfshaft, CV joint, some SVX thing ^^^^ they mentioned…

I say Halfshaft. A bad cv joint will make that sound on either left or right turns, not just one. Most common on acceleration as you already said.

Find out the price for yourself…,SUBARU,1991

if it was a dsm, it might be crankwalk :lol: