Clipped 150k

This morning, hit 150k

Had the camera stuck in the steering wheel in anticipation. :wink:

Not that I condone that sort of thing.

(Fyi, that boost gauge isnt hooked up, it’s stock, and it blows). I need to put the glass back on the gauges, finger prints everywhere!

You’re just done braking it in!

<- 140k-ish here.

I assume you were on a race track.:wink:

Of course. :wink:

you seem to be going 150mph when you broke 150k

aint that somethin

i’ll be cracking 60,000 somtime in the next week or so.

Sweet, I hit 15k today :stuck_out_tongue:

My 944s odometer broke at 89k

hahha nice :tup:

ummm i’m at like 207000 now.

stock VDO gauges :tup:


uhh… ?

forgive my noobishness

hey welcome to the club, 152k here

! of doom :wink: If it comes up, shut the car down ASAP. It’s also lit up when the ebrake is on.

yeah mine didnt work when i bought it at 125k (i have no idea of the actual miles)

glad to see she’s still running!


oh, alright, I thought the ! meant the flux capacitor was primed.

my SHO is over 216K my saturn is at 189K i like my high milage cars :slight_smile:

bah, i dont know how many miles are on my stock shortblock. 149k on the chassius though

216K on the MR2, and 202K on the Civic…

the ! also comes on if you brake fluid in the resevioir goes below a certain point like under heavy acceleration in my 944t but that was cause I was a little low also.