Closing down parks in NYS

i hate your faces.

They’re just jealous

You kidding me?

I have a college education and work in IT and have a decent amount of responsibility at a company that employs a couple thousand even I don’t make that much yet.

THAT is BS. Ridiculous.

Average private sector salary: $40,000
Average gov job salary: $71,000

Oh and there are 3 of them for every 1 necessary position.

Thats because the gov’t only employs important people…

I know for sure that State employees make much less than private sector though.


no but seriously, its really hard to bid anything commercial and make any money, most contractors are bidding so low theyre not making any money, just doing it to get work for their guys.

wrong contractor fool. talkin bout IT. These motherfuckers make BANK.

Fuck right. Lay off some secretaries making $40k/year sending e-mail jokes all day.

IT doesn’t get paid as much as people would like to believe.

Depends what you’re doing. Maybe not entry level. Entry level kind of sucked, but once you start moving up that ladder it’s much better. I’m on rung 2…maybe rung 3 soon (crosses fingers)…and hopefully many more.

Fuck IT. And fuck you Ilya.

Just kidding. But fuck IT really.

Totally untrue on both counts. :slight_smile:

of all the things they choose parks :lol

Do people think they are gonna like destroy the parks?

nuke 'em

Im by no means bashing state workers I am just stating that they hire way to many. There is no need for half the road crews that stand around doing nothing. A flagger makes 30 dollars an hour. That is absolutely ridiculous

It all depends on the county you work in, when your a contractor anyway.

Its sad how much they pay some of these people