Our gun rally caused 60K in lawn damage at the capital.

Here is an oppertunity actually. 5000+ people came out that day. If we all donate $12, that covers the cost for our “damages”. …I am not here to argue the situation, I am just spreading an idea. They would never see that coming if we paid for it. It would show we are NOT gun nuts, we have heart and sensibility. It would show the power in numbers can and WILL work with this fight. IF the money is raised, it MUST be plastered all over the state and more importantly slapped in cuomos face. They want to turn our rally against us, we can turn it right back in their face for $12 a head. Your thoughts?

where the fuck were the damage reports for all the occupy albany assholes? good idea about paying for our damage because it would be the right thing to do but i have a couple issues with that.

  1. i cant stomach the thought of giving this shithole state anymore money than i already do.
  2. theres got to be a better use of 60 grand than lawncare at the capital, the economy of this state is so fucked up its not even funny.

and then the democratic comittee puts up some bullshit about “30,000 in repairs and these same people have a problem with government spending”


i didn’t go (wasn’t able to make it) and i’ll toss in $12 to throw in in their faces

Then move. Stop bitching and doing something about it if your not happy.

hey idiots. we already PAID for the damages by this states fucking absolutely INSANE property taxes and income taxes. FUCK RIGHT OFF with paying more money to prove a point. That is the god damn dumbest things i’ve ever heard. Not to mention they 60k figure is GROSSLY overstated by cuomo to make us look bad. Not to mention the fact we had to pay for a fucking permit to even protest (im not even goign to rant about how commy that is) so FUCK NO we should not pay a god damn dime for what was a 100% legal, organized, and APPROVED protest. FUCK OFF.

i’m so fucking sick of hearing that i could scream.

midterm elections is when ill “do something about it”, no bitching here, just observing the everyday bullshit in this state, and if anything in my post offended you, good. why should i move out of my home state while its being taken over by degenerates and corrupt politicians who care about nothing but obtaining more power?

fuckin A man. quoted for truth

do you not understand how press works?

I failed to see anything but negativity towards US in that article. Nowhere in there did it say anything to the effect of “Yeah they caused all this damage, but your tax money we already took will cover this, so its no big deal we just wanted to let you all know whats going on.” No. they didnt. Its an attempt at rubbing salt into the wounds. All it will do is the people that read the paper and already dont like us “gun nuts” is give them more ammunition (pun intended) to badmouth us and say we are a bunch of clowns who only care about out guns.

I completely agree, we did pay for this repair already. But holy TDIlogic its $12 fucking dollars, you would spend on 2 fucking beers at the pub worthlessly, that could be about the easiest POSSITIVE PRESS for our fight against idiotic government actions and the press that supports them.

If someone puts up a fucking paypal donation system right now, I will put in $50 to cover your “choice”.

I say we go down and fix it ourselves for 10% of the cost.

shows we care, shows how full of shit the quote is.

I would go over on my lunch break with a bag of seed from homedepot JUST to get on the news and prove my point here.

And I’m tired of hearing people bitch that this state sucks so much.

You haven’t offended me

this would be damn near impossible for them to put a negative twist on, although im sure they would fine us for working without propper permits or approval lol, and that way we can be 100% sure the money is going towards fixing the “damage” not being used against us in any ongoing lawsuits

If they even pulled that shit there would be hell to pay… they would be stuck between a rock and a hard place.

thats why my donation idea is good. They said it costs this much, well here is the money. If they piss it away somewhere else, and we find out about it its EVEN MORE AMMO against them!

I bet it would fix itself if left alone. From my experience with mountain biking every spring areas of trail that generally have grassy edges always get mud filled and torn up by tires. Then as spring evolves into summer and the mud dries out and becomes less susceptible to erosion sure enough tge grassy edges come back fully.

i wouldnt even want to give them a chance to use our own money against us more than they already do. i think we would be getting better publicity by volunteering and doing the work ourselves, then instead of the media publishing photos or videos of the handful of nutjobs in full camo gear with an infowars sign, its pictures of everyday people (men and women) working hard to do whats right without being asked to or forced to by the state. but as i said before the media and politicians will always figure out a way to twist the story, its the only thing they are good at.


I say we just form an LLC. “Shift-e Lawn Care” and throw in a bid for $25k.


Pretty easy to find. I googled ‘occupy Albany costs’ while sitting on the can and found this.


I completely understand how press works. And I could give a fuck about $12 actual dollars. What you’re assuming is that the press is suddenly going to swing to our side because WE ALL GAVE $12 TO THIS FUCKING AWESOME CAUSE. Idiot. The press is on their side, otherwise there would’ve been more news about the rally in general instead of “oh they cost 60k”. Noones going to see the good from it because THE PRESS isn’t going to cover it.

First of all WE didn’t cause any damage. This should be added to the already astronomical expense of the unSAFE ACT. If there were no safe act, there wouldn’t have been a protest. Gun owners didn’t DO anything.

Bottom line - I"ll flush $12 “for the cause” before I give it to any god damn government agency that is in the process of stripping my rights. How the fuck do you not see the lack of logic in that.

Your blinders are on and you have rage tunnle vision. :rofl

There are plenty of ways to make the press cover it. Even if the papers dont cover it as well as we hope on their own.

-Stand there with a giant sign that says “NRA and 2A rights activists DONATIED money to fix this lawm, NOT YOUR TAX MONEY”.
-Get a radio ad, saying the same thing.
-Get a short TV commercial saying the same thing.
-Easiest of all. GET ON THE NEWS. Those idiots run around in the vans for all types of things. FFS, my brother and I built a 15’ tall snowman in my parents front lawn in amstertico one winter and the god damn news came, interviewed us and published an article.

Plenty of ways to get the point out there. The press doesnt swing suddenly one way or another, they instill information and lead readers to make that choice. I can 100% tell you that without a doubt chalking it up like you are is NOT doing a damn thing to help our cause, through this incident. Walking away from this doing nothing isnt helping get people from the other side of the fense over to ours to help fight the cause. its as simple as that really.

I am going to get my BB gun, and I will load it with fucking grass seed pellets and stand out there firing them into the ground till Channel 6 comes and asks me WTF I am doing. BRB