ill rest my case against ya Wayne by asking you this.
Whats do you think we should do about this?
ill rest my case against ya Wayne by asking you this.
Whats do you think we should do about this?
Yes. Lets force media coverage by paying for extra media coverage to cover the shit we unnecessarily paid for. I like it.
What we need to do is cost the state MORE money. IE NO hunting licenses bought this year in NYS AT ALL. Do you think anyone will actually do it? I’m in.
Im more for the idea of a ton of pro gun dudes going out and fixing the grass themselves… Like Mike said, if they even tried to pull some shit there true colors would come out. Fuck paying $60k, when that number is probably really around 1/4 that lol.
Two things, first one is there HAD to be insurance to get permits for that Rally.
Second, give me 60k and i will be down with a set of harrows and a drill TOMORROW to sow that shit. Will be minty in no time.
No way it costs 60k, state needs to buy some rakes and grass seed and take a week to have the politicians to be useful for a change and do some landscaping.
I could have that seeded down for under 5k.
When you argue with your significant other…and she tells you that you aren’t getting any cause your ass stinks like shit and fire breathing salsa ( ),do you go and dump on her tongue and fart in her face??
No, you play “nice” until your little peen gets touched.
Personally, I don’t think going at the state harder is going to do ANYTHING positive.
I see a “lawn day gtg” being a BIG DEAL. Not money…just time.
I do see both sides. If my neighbor came over and tore up my lawn I would not go fix it politely…I would spread the seed through his teeth. I guess in this particular circumstance, the media/state is expecting pro-gun people to act like bumpkins and angry monkeys.
I think KKKKKK is on the right track, personally, except for the part about monetary compensation.
No money for you.
-soup nazi
Look, I just said $12 a head to pay what they said it costs becasue it was the first idea that came into mind.
Now that everyone is saying volenteer the repairs I like that more. It also shows that the $60K really sounds like an over est for the repairs. But thats the state for you, we pay $12K for servers you can go on for and get for $3200. Its all funny money on the back end.
I dont give a flying fuck how the cards are played, as long as something is done to try and help our cause here.
They did have ins, but it was a democrat that put the event on, and if they put a claim in against the insurance it would look very bad politically. They aready said OGS didnt request restitituion for the damages.
in reality it doesn’t really matter, if you came up with the 60k the news would never even mention it. Mainstream news is so 1 sided it’s ridiculous
I bet if some liberal anti gun nut got up on his pedestal and said “it’s ok ill front the bill for our misguided friends” and cut a check for 60k it would be all over the news.
I love how they also factored in the pay of the state workers who will be repairing it. As if they wouldn’t be collecting a paycheck anyways for the days they will be working on it. They are paid to up-keep the lawn… so they’d be working on it regardless.
Nothing you do down there to help fix the lawn will bring attention to the media in our favor. If they wanted to bring positive light to our cause, then they ALL would have been at the rally in the first place.
I am not giving the govt money to fix the law. It looked like shit before we even stepped foot on it that day. Second, at least 50% of that estimated 60K to fix it is bullshit at best. I mentioned in other forums that you could go down to tractor supply and spend $500 on a pallet of grass seed and get a couple dozen people to rake/hoe and seed that lawn back to green in no time flat. Sodding the damn thing is utter bullshit.
I WOULD go down and join a crew of my fellow gun owners and fix the place along side them, but I will not give the govt money to do so themselves. We pay for that lawn. It’s my fucking lawn as much as it’s your lawn. It’s called tax payer owned…
KK Can you cover my $12 as well? :lol
Tax payers already paid for lawn maintenance. I wouldn’t give the state an extra cent that I didn’t have to.
If the tables have turned and somebody posted about Occupy Wallstreet people damaging the lawn, may god have mercy on the comments. It would be quite amusing to see how you guys would sing a different tune
Media Experts ITT.
i can honestly say my tune would not change if the circumstances of the occupy protests were the same, but the fact is they weren’t. the “damage” caused by the 2a rallies was limited to the soaking wet lawn being torn up by everyone’s feet. the occupy people were intentionally causing “damage”, (pissing on public property, graffiti, littering, etc…), it’s not like everyone showed up to the 2a rally with dirtbikes and quads and did donuts on the lawn to intentionally tear it up. is that to say that some people wouldn’t sing an entirely different tune regardless of the circumstances? no. i can only speak for myself.
#1 is such a closed, strong statement the just isnt true and you contridict yourself with your closing arguement. The ones that were there reporting, did they spin it negativly that day or the day later then it was published? If no, I would tend to think something with MORE heart like volenteering to fix our “mistake” (how the opposition is focusing this) they would jump on the story to publish it. Also, if nothing will bring attention to the media in our favor why are you donating your time and materials to help fix it?
When was the last time people in this shithole city volinteered their time, labor and materials to anything like reseeding the lawn? I cant think of an example myself. I just find it hard to believe that a good story like this could be people think wont hit the media in our favor.
It’s simple.
When you do something you believe in and “the media” reports it, then it’s not enough media and it’s biased.
When you do something bad and “the media” reports it then they are biased against you.
When “the media” reports something an act you don’t agree with at all, you just hate the actor and are fine with the medium of delivery without judging it.
Not. Worth. The. Post…
Alright…maybe a quote
“What a joke. The TU just re-prints a story from the Daily News who had it wrong to begin with. $60,000? Really? Most of that lawn is re-planted yearly anyway and the people are already on staff. They are landscapers. That’s what they do. If they weren’t working on the lawn they’d be working somewhere else but they’re still on staff and getting paid so the $30,000 labor claim is a joke unless they’re bringing in outside contractors which I highly doubt. The $30,000 in materials is nonsense also. They already have the equipment, and grass seed and some top soil don’t cost $30,000. But…this is state gov’t we’re talking about so maybe it does…”
I’ll let you take guesses as to who that’s quoted from…some may already know.
Ohwell, it’s fucking grass. who gives a shit…