Our gun rally caused 60K in lawn damage at the capital.

If you’re going to start questioning how the government assigns value to it’s own bills you’re going to have a bad day. Just start checking pockets of people involved.

You know how much the phone bill for the taxpayers is from the retired presidents?

$85,000 a year.

Feel free to look up other stats.

In 4 years the $85,000 phone figure will bring a whole new meaning to “Obamaphone”

The $30,000 for labor and $30,000 in materials is just another governmental contractor that’s going to rake it in, for some reason I doubt it will be the regular crew doing it.

dont get started in the semantics of what it should, might, does, will, used to cost. Like I said in the OP, this was meant to try and benefit somehow from this, even if its saving a little grace from negativity shunned upon us the protestors. prices and details like that are just derailing the meaning.

For those who dont think this wouldnt work, ask 10 people around you right now this. Let them read the article and the negativity it portrayed upon us. then ask them “What do you think if all the gun protesters went out and either donated their labor and materials to fix the lawn or donated the money to OGS to fix the lawn.”

You honestly think those people will say something like “yeah your all still a bunch of douchebags?”

we talked about it here at work, and somehow for once my outlandish ideas they agreed would be a nice change of pace for this community if it were to happen. Only to come back here where my friends and fellow rights supporters seem to think its all wasted effort and money.

i quit

For reference








By the looks of it, a lawn job that big, counting lifting the mud and replanting everything and materials; the price doesn’t seem that outrageous.

they prolly threw a party for $60k and said it was lawn damage to the tax payer.

You are out of your god damn mind.

Even if the state made a mountain out of a mole hill…that could be fixed for a fraction of what they said.

Don’t be stupid. There are landscape companies that take care of 200 house developments for less than 1/2 of that PER YEAR. Including spring/fall cleanup. Cleaning up after plows destroyed grass. Daily maintenance. Weekly mowing and trimming.

Go to a bunch of contractors and tell them you have that many acres to do as above.

I don’t know a first thing about that job but they already removed the top level and piled it all up, likely because of mud, that involves some kind of machinery already.

Seriously call up a bunch of contractors and see what they will say. I’m actually curious to see their rate on such a job. Otherwise it’s just us throwing out figures in the air.

shouldnt have put the retarded law into place so its their fault

Acres? Vlad have you ever been there? The lawn isn’t that big.

After briefly looking at Google maps and excluding some out lying patches that they may or may not replace. The general area is as follows:

132ft x 41ft = 5412sq

25ft x 231ft = 5775sq

75ft x 245ft = 18375sq

111ft x 244ft = 27000sq

Total : 56562sq

1 acre = 43000

So ~1.31 acres

Whats the going rate to redo an acre of land?

you’re a fool


I could seed an acre for… Under a grand. :rofl

bubbb bubb but buuut tthththther sodding it…:ahh


:lol Total dumbfuckery though, truly. If we had to pay 60k dollars every time we wanted to grow ONE acre of grass (hay) on the farm… we wouldn’t be farming. Or even 30k. Or even ten fucking thousand. At 150 bales to the acre we’d only make 450 dollars off of an acre. Now take out for labor to unload the wagon and reload a truck in the future, fuel costs to mow, ted, rake, and bale it… twine… fertilizer… COME ON. We manage to make money on this. :rofl 60k dollars FFS.

I know a married couple from Utah who moved here and within two weeks, without having any record of a job search or an adress, got food stamps. New York can take its $60k lawn bill and shove it up their ass.

Who the hell is this couple that they make less than $1600 a month gross between the two of them?


Edit: even unemployment counts towards your gross.

i have 1.24 acres, i seeded my lawn for ~ $120 sunday (3 bags), right before all this snow bullshit. i borrowed the spreader form my dad, that’s about another $50 bucks

Vlad just likes to play devil’s advocate so as soon as you start ignoring everything he says in any political thread the sooner it won’t bother you anymore

:insert “you think this is fucking game” picture here:

You think they’re hiring the neighbors kids to fix this? We need to do an abatement study, draw the new specs up in AutoCAD, spend the money to send it out to bid and then maybe, just maybe, they’ll pick a qualified #SCUM contractor. Bureaucracy mang.

what agency do you work for?