Our gun rally caused 60K in lawn damage at the capital.

oo ya they have to let their buddies profit off the tax payers too. i forgot that one.

whos to say some neighborhood kids cant draw up on cad and do better at landscaping?

do you think this is a game sir?

The kids down the street from me would do that shit in a HURRY, some hard working 15 year olds…

he wants to hire mexicans to do work cheaper so he can make more. he doesnt think neighborhood kids are good enough. he wants immagranst with licenses

Lol. The governor isn’t going to pocket any money.
Just the ‘process’ alone will cost half or more. It’s allllllll projects.
Yes, you could go buy rakes and seed and pay your buddies in beer and pizza and spend penn15s on the doll hairs, but the real deal big boy process takes time. Time = money.

Money.Power.Respect -The Lox


All gun owners are fucking cock suckers who have no respect for the well being of society and fucking lawns.

Just got word from Governor Cuomo saying Wayne can “Fuck right off” because hes going to be paying for the lawn he ruined

Cuomo will think so when someone shows up with a rototiller and makes the biggest garden in the state of NY.



Just an update on that lawn repair bill.


Here is the breakdown as said in the article:

$9,000 - Sod
$13,000 - Top Soil
$38,000 - Per Diem Labor
$14,000 - Labor State Employees

def reasonable… :facepalm:

It’s not like we took the top soil with us Lolol. Should have cost like 20k max even with their stupid rates lol

A few Jose’s and Pedro’s wouldve gotten the job done much cheaper

/\ thats who did alot of it!

Contractor pays them $17 an hr… Contractor charges NYS $117 an hr. NYS could pay a state employee $21 an hr, but they dont they pay the $117 because its “in the budget”.

and you wonder why our taxes are 100 times more than other states.

quick LOL spending recently. Buddy at DOT watched a big rack of database servers get put in, $1mill+ and a few weeks time to get up and running. ITS (who recently took over DOT’s IT departments) caught wind of the servers and said what is that, we aren’t running that. His department at DOT told them to finish it up, get it running for a few days then move the data back to the ITS crap and THROW IT AWAY. 100% literally threw over a MILLION DOLLARS in the garbage in less than a months time!

happens weekly, X hundreds of NYS agencies across the state.

yesterday i heard from a cop buddy of mine they they put in for an inside permit to protest inside the egg because they knew it was going to rain. They were denied the indoor permit because they (state) figured it would have a bad turnout if it rained. This could have all been avoided if they were just granted the indoor permit!

Capitalistic welfare.

Happens every day.

You know where they are dumping said computer equipment?

KK should have his own job on CBS’s “you paid for it” segment.

Also interested lol