Club addicts...whats your all-time favorite....

WTF is wrong with you bill?

Bongo song is still good


I seriously have no idea what any of this post means.


don’t worry, i was clowning on trance.

shit is 1998. post-ravers are all up in here.

Perhaps I should go into all the other music threads and shit on the trance hater’s questionable tastes in music. There are plenty of stupid stereotypes out there for all kinds of modern music.

I like nearly all kinds of music, save for top 40 kind of shit and country. I listen to classical and jazz all day at work. I suppose those are also unacceptable forms of music because you dont listen to them? :bloated:


Perhaps I should go into all the other music threads and shit on the trance hater’s questionable tastes in music. There are plenty of stupid stereotypes out there for all kinds of modern music.

I like nearly all kinds of music, save for top 40 kind of shit and country. I listen to classical and jazz all day at work. I suppose those are also unacceptable forms of music because you dont listen to them? :bloated:


stfu, trance sucks, and i know you love the country :slight_smile:

I don’t hate trance as a whole. Oakenfold is a no talent assclown remixer slash barely can beatmatch poser DJ.
PVD, for example, is a champ.


Perhaps I should go into all the other music threads and shit on the trance hater’s questionable tastes in music. There are plenty of stupid stereotypes out there for all kinds of modern music.

I like nearly all kinds of music, save for top 40 kind of shit and country. I listen to classical and jazz all day at work. I suppose those are also unacceptable forms of music because you dont listen to them? :bloated:


Defensive city…relax I’m just having fun. I play the most diverse sets out of anyone you’ll ever see DJ and chances are I’ll probably double-time from something like a bone thugs record into an electro track, which is pretty much today’s rave music when it comes to what’s outside the states.


I don’t hate trance as a whole. Oakenfold is a no talent assclown remixer slash barely can beatmatch poser DJ.
PVD, for example, is a champ.


and are you being serious - Paul Oakenfold can’t even beatmatch? He does produce though, amirite?


When i first heard this i was rollin so hard that i needed at least 18 pairs of oakleys and -3.4 shirts to comprehend it all. I forget what it was called. Something about letting the dogs out.


-3.4 shirts lol


Defensive city…relax I’m just having fun. I play the most diverse sets out of anyone you’ll ever see DJ and chances are I’ll probably double-time from something like a bone thugs record into an electro track, which is pretty much today’s rave music when it comes to what’s outside the states.


i think brett is directing his post more towards the gayblades like newman and zerodaze


i think brett is directing his post more towards the gayblades like newman and zerodaze


dont be mad that trance is for mo’s, and house is for people that cant dance to jungle

everyone is entitled to their own wrong opinion, such as yourself.

dont fuck with me… im the gayblade… remember

oh shit, pwned

oh, and i owe you a quarter, because that gayblade line is the shit :slight_smile:

yeah when i was 14 and working on a farm, my boss used to make fun of the other kid i worked with. always called him a gayblade.


yeah when i was 14 and working on a farm, my boss used to make fun of the other kid i worked with. always called him a gayblade.


working on a farm is never a good start to a work story :smiley:

haha I wasnt really directing my post at anyone. It just seems like every trance or house related thread turns into a hater fest. I respect all kinds of music.

zerodaze and I have had many convos about trance/house/jungle lol

teckno is for faggets :tdown:

its all the same some stupid beat and weird noises :tdown:

go listen to some metallica you bunch of glowing glow stick waving pussies :mad:


and are you being serious - Paul Oakenfold can’t even beatmatch? He does produce though, amirite?


I was in the booth watching him many years ago. He remixes all the tracks to the same bpm and locks the 1200’s in the middle so he doesn’t have to beatmactch. Maybe he’s learned since then. Yes he does produce…horrible remixes.


teckno is for faggets :tdown:

its all the same some stupid beat and weird noises :tdown:

go listen to some metallica you bunch of glowing glow stick waving pussies :mad:


If anyone waved a glowstick at an actual techno club they’d get their ass beat just as badly as at a metallica concert.
techno != trance != dance remixes of pop songs


dont fuck with me… im the gayblade… remember


lol that’s one of my mom’s favorite movies. What a classic.