ill be on my 10r… justin will be riding the gsxr. and ryan his 600rr… dont leave without us… we’ll be there
out… i know maxima chris is out too hes busy as well…have fun will, take some pics
should i wear leathers to this?
you can, i’m not going to, i was going to wear jeans.
im bringing a couple bikes with me… we might break off and ride some twisties if the general atmosphere of the ride isnt to my liking…
it’s fuckin hot dude, i’m thinkin about shorts. i know it’s squidy but it’s gotta be 90. plus i ride like a grandma, as stated above.
looks like the people arent going to make it to my house in time. so well be out cruising just us… maybe ill catch up with you guys later… be safe
word, you too, i’m out.
damn saw this too late
iv kept quiet, since i got a minor infraction for going off topic in a fs sale thread. but for u, i will bust this thread. haha how was your air mattress last night? i ran into your friend, i dont know her name though. but this is a good group of guys, if i had a bike i would be down in an instant.
edit- somebody please get a pic of 92slowcivic in his spandex. im still waiting for them asshole.
/\ lets buy some
haha yes lets do it, yo fire at my house tonight, better see ur honda driving ass up here.
we went to chest nut ridge and there werent ANY Bikes in one single area… a bunch of random bikes scattered but no congregation…o well
there were about 20 of us. we left w and, for whatever reason, went to sunset beach. i made my first ever appearance at the sunset bay beach club cuz it’s not really my thing. the sunset bay beach club is THE MOST DISGUSTING CLUB I HAVE EVER BEEN IN. that place just wreaked of sweat, tanning lotion, puke, and shame. we were there for one beer then we all went to chestnut ridge. we would have been there earlier but we had waited for people at w and didn’t leave there until 2:30. that was one of the best rides i’ve ever taken. a lot of good riders showed up and watching them ride was great. sorry i missed you willybean, maybe next time.