club w ride today, sunday

i know it’s late, but i just got home and this just occurred to me, but a bunch of us are meeting at club w 199 delaware ave., buffalo to go for a ride and get food. we are meeting at 1:30 at the club, getting something to eat and then heading to chestnut ridge park for some bbq or party thing, i don’t really know what it is exactly, i never asked/cared. two wheels only please. i know nobody will come, but i figured i would throw it out there if you are interested/awake at this time. i also know that i don’t use the shift key, i don’t care about that either. and, bobbyq143562846286426whateverthefuckyournameis, please don’t respond to this thread because, again, i don’t care, and nobody likes you. you were adopted.

maybe… ill think about it…

don’t think, do. it’s sunday, you got something better to do? i kid. but seriously, do it.

i actually may be down for this…

whos all going… what do they ride? how do they ride? fast? slow? turns? wheelies… etc etc

im going to bed… mike call me after 11… let me know if ur going…

almost all of us ride rockets. some ride fast, some ride wheelies, some drag mirrors in the turns. i ride like a big puss cuz that’s what i am. all good guys, they don’t even make fun of me for riding like a grandma. just show up, have some fun and some food. i’ll be the guy with no fairings, they fell off. seriously.

what kind of bike?.. j/w

87 honda hurricane. bought it from ezfd a few months ago. and one of the fairings seriously fell of when i was driving down the 400, it almost killed me, so i just took the rest of them off.

word, can do bud. i think ill be able to come out for a few hours for this. ill get a hold of you and letcha know…now its sleeptime :sword:

lol… ok… pending my friends and what they are doing… ill let u know in the am if im up for this… pm me ur number or something

that was to 92civic… ill be waiting for your call mike <3 night everyone…

haha, i figured. ttya in the morn :smiley:

word. pmd. maybe you can sell your gsxr to some there :mamoru:. but yeah, call me.

mike is gonna hit me up tomorrow for this

I don’t know any of you guys, but I was wondering what was happening at Chestnut Ridge Park? Are you meeting 4 wheel friends there? I’m just curious. I am looking for sportbikers to ride with, preferably non-stunters - I want to keep it as close to legal as possible.

I’ll be at the Ridge party. Beer, a live band, food, and games. They’re expecting a lot of people to show.

like i said, i really don’t know what is going on at chestnut ridge park, but ^^there you have it. anyone actually coming to this? the crowd at w probably won’t be huge, this was just an afterthought.

im in…

word, 1:30 it is…