Cluster and tail lights went out [Electrical stuff] S14

I haven’t checked bulbs or fuses only because I’m 90% sure it’s cause of the exposed bare wire/harness in the driver-side wheel well that was a result of one of the previous owners of my car who half-assed a wire tuck…

My fault for not driving on Victoria Park Ave. slow enough to dodge sewer grates and stuff as its being fixed right now + …I don’t know, going over bumps? as well as not taking care of this problem earlier.

What are my best bets?
Can anyone tackle this for me?
I will pay if you can prove to solve this problem better than the the dude who originally wanted a wire tuck imo is sort of dumb because makes electrical stuff like this THAT much harder to troubleshoot -_-.

Thanks all.

For sure you fuses are all good?
Had the same problem and it turned out being a blown fuse,go through them all bro.I have an s14 also
Best of luck bro

That 10% proved me wrong.
Was a blown fuse LOL regardless, it still stands I have exposed wiring -_-
ya’ll can flame me now LOL

good chance it might blow again if u ignore the wiring

I know. I’m workin on getting it fixed Phonso. Thanks bud

Happened to me already I ended up rewiring the cluster, tails and front corners with a separate line… BUT i think my problem was my licence plate light… those are all hooked up on the same line blown bulbs can also create a short…