Clutch Push Rod

Can you lube it?

I’ve got everything else lubed up and still have a minor squeak/squeal
coming from the pedal, pressing or releasing, usually occuring closer to the floor.

The sound is coming from that rod or just behind the firewall area it’s near. It’s completely dry, can you lubricate it or is it supposed to be dry & clean or what? If yes, silicone or white lith? If no, what could be causing the noise?

Pedal freeplay seems to be okay.

Please let me know ASAP…thanks!

Mine was squeaking so I sprayed WD40 all over it… didn’t do anything. Drove for a little while longer, got pissed, and sprayed every moving part down there… it worked, but I had to live with the WD40 smell for about two weeks :happysad:

It is fine to lube the rod it does not go into your master it just pushes on the exterior of the piston so yes you can lube it. I doubt this is going to get rid of the squeel though. It is usually the spring on the pedle assembly that squeels.

Well. You were both right. :blue:

Squeak/squeal is gone, but only after going for a long drive. For me, it’ll be 3-in-1 silicone spray air freshener for the next while.

NOTE TO OTHERS READING THIS (lol): If your clutch pedal is squeaking, soak the spring
and spray every single moving joint you can find. Then, drive the car far. Yeah. If that
doesn’t change anything at all, then there could be another problem…

Cheers. :thumright: