Hello ppl,
I was stuck in rolling traffic on 401 for over 1/2hr. I noticed after I got out of traffic, I found that my engine would rev but didn’t feel any power transmitted to the wheel. And this happened only after 3000rpm…below that I couldn’t realyl feel any slippage.
Later that evening when I drove the car again, I didn’t notice any kind of slippage. And the day it happened, it was kinda warm as well. It felt like something heated up…and the clutch was slipping.
Is this a sign of worn clutch or something else related to the clutch mechanism?
Thanks a zillion… :roll:
maybe you just heated it up with the stop and go but if it only hapened once i wouldn’t worry about it if it happenes more often then you should get it checked out. let me know if anything else happens
I noticed this problem shortly after I bought my car. It happened one day for a little bit and didn’t come back. A few months later I ended up replacing my clutch and master cylinder. I figure there may have been a link to a worn clutch or faulty master cylinder.
Did your clutch end up going on you or is it still ok?? Funny thing is i was just searching on this, because the EXACT same thing happened to me today… stuck on 401 in rush hour… pretty hot out… over 3k rpm it slipped twice… but driving later tonight it was all back to normal and didn’t slip… I’m wondering if it’s about to die out on me…
Now is NOT the time to drop $1000 on a new clutch…
1000 bucks on a clutch no way man. not that much. if you need a clutch soon let me know. i have a shop. anyways i’ve never experienced this prob;em i thought it was hot because stop and go traffic thats the only thing that makes sense to me. if you guys find anything out get back to me
Well $500 for decent clutch +flywheel? +labour… I can see that being a grand easy. Anyways has your clutch done it since? Mines been ok the past day… I’m wondering how much longer i have. My clutch is also making a ‘whirring’ noise in 1,3,5 gears… :? :?
my clutch has never slipped before its fairly new thats why and its adjusted properly it only makes noise in those 3 gears. thats could be one of the bearing on one of the shafts in the trany. its a possibility how often is this prob;em happening
Constantly when the clutch is engaged… been like that for a few months, but this is the first time it’s slipped…
if you do end up needing a clutch talk to Theo23 he can get you a centerforce stage 2 for a GREAT price after buying the clutch from him having my flywheel resurfaced and the bay rental it only cost me 500 bucks to do mine.