i did search on this topic but came up short on answers.
i recentley bought a 93 s13 SE
clutch was gone along with a bunch of other crap. whatever
new clutch (stock replacement)
now i did 800Km’s before i beat the car in any way at all. in which case i still really have not.
my questions and concerns are that my clutch slips only when i shift quickly/power shift/corners then shift. but driving never slips. only slips when you shift high rpms (5000-6000)
which brings another concern. my car seems dead after 4000rpm? like no power at all. the timing was fucked. don’t know how it was even running at 7 degrees after top dead center. she’s set now. havn’t driven her yet.
back to the clutch thing. i have adjusted the pedal numerous times today. as i read in other threads. still nothing seems to work?
i’m an apprentice and i have never ever had a problem like this with a clutch install.