well we can talk more after the holidays if you cant maybe some other people can come by and help me out. thanks for letting me know you may be down to do it. :banana
I am down for this project lmao hopefully is justin is there he will be safe lmao and away from sharp objects.
:confused :crackup
fail…do it yourself and save yourself alot of money
comming from the kid who wanted to buy a stage bazzlion clutch for a stock sentra :wtf
Clutches are so easy to do. My civic took me 4 hours to do and I did it by my self up until I had to line the tranny up to get it in
If you had a lift it would’ve taken 30 minutes like mine did :nana
Yea I could have gotten a lift but I was still doing it by my self
but its a honda…there prolly a less hard to do a clutch job in
Its all the same concept…actually your axles are easier to get out
i can have both axles out in like 20 minutes, then its 6 bolts for the mounts, the starter, and like 8 tranny bolts… EASY
no, i just wanted to know what to buy
what clutch did you ever put in your car ?
where’s nicole, she has the same car as you, make her put the clutch in.
I lol’ed :lol
i just swapped the clutch from the old sentra a long time ago, its a exedy stage 1 organic clutch (oem replacement)
ur leaving on my birthday??? wtf brett?