Cobraman04>Psycopjv>Biged with other randomness

pat was NA Brian was spraying (although he had a leak?)

Nice runs, for the most part :lol:

I wanna plaayyyy!!

yea i gave him the channel locks it was still leaking

cobraman vs the mustang

psychopjv < cobraman

psychopjv > bigedd

Did you watch the video?

Thanks for the ride, car hauls!!! :tup:

good camera for night races :tup:


what kind is it? was looking into one with night vision :smiley:

he said th spray should be here tomm. thats gonna be interesting. i wanna be there when it goes boom

the sprayed 95 looked really close to cobraman, how did that race turn out?

no shit, that Formulas strong point is digs
Ah well anything can happen on the street, nice runs gentlemen!

that tire change is huge. bfg’s nowhere near the mickey’s. and 18-19psi vs 15 doens’t help much. Oh yeah Biged’s lead foot too. i spun but i pedaled it hard to keep it moving strong.


nice race with pat there ed. haha

I had just installed a bottle heater hours before going out, and stupid me did not test for leaks, well i cracked the bottle as we were leaving the lot and it started leaking like a SOB. So I tried cranking it tight with some borrowed channel locks but could not get it tight enough to stop it so I had a slow leak the whole time, and God knows how much bottle i lost before we got to the highway and how much of a shot i was really getting. But i really want to race cobraman again when he is back in town and i got my leak fixed…

u got it in a few weeks

uh yea i watched it hence why i gave the :picard: sliding across lanes like that while your still N/A, hence why i said darwin is going to come into play when you spray it…im surprised you havent smashed it into a wall at lancaster/NYI driving like that

i went from a bunch of digs/slow rolls with it and never got it to do that unless it was wet out


i will take the white formy off your hands!

he drives it like you drive it. he cant help there is different tires on it now