Cobraman04>Psycopjv>Biged with other randomness

I should have been in on this. Too bad nobody calls me…

(or at least thats the excuse I’m using this weekend)

or you are a parapelegic 90 percent of the time

i called u right before i went up to mighty fatty. dont use that excuse! u said “i hve to be up at 7am for autocross”


clearly he doesnt drive it like i did because i never roasted the tires on it like that on the street or the track, and they’re new tires i had bald tires on there when i drove it…

I vote for daytime videos.

good races none the less :tup:

maybe you should go back into elearning and review tread compounds

or you are a parapelegic 90 percent of the time

Actually there was a death in my family…

(that one works great for school)


I one would not believe you would go.second if u did it was to find woman.

your all very wrong if you thought I spun like that on accident It spun, I pedaled, but by then pat was hooking and gone…I was a bit heavy off the line,…so I said screw it and decided to lay down a heater. Once I saw pat put a half a car and hook, I knew it was done.

One heater and apparantly now I’m dead man walking.

I have a 98 cobra(slow) and would be down for some cruisin, and my buddies 6sp 04 GTO would be down for a nitrous run. he made 440/499 on spray.

it was 499.9 so please call it 500 i lose sleep over that.1

I was gunna, but i figured you wouldn’t want me exaggerating it.

the exaggeration was when you said my buddy. jk

Yeah i want to see this race, vs Tim… cars were close motor to motor

let me know when ur doing it

cannon elura 100 It does ok at night but in the day time the video is awesome.

daytime runs next time

no leaking bottle runs next time lol

im comin back the 12th and i leave again the 15th just an fyi