if anyone is playing on pc add me to xfire: gettinteknical

Once you learn how to play and how to work with the perks and whatnot its fun as hell.
Up to a sergeant level in 2 hours.

oh yeah… 50-100 fps w/ my 7600gtoc so Im not complaining… waiting for 8800gt price drops.

Great game, i like it more than i thought i would. The special actions give it a little extra to play for.

its working ok rob?

I do like this game. Only problem I have had with the COD series is I cant figure out who is on my team and who isnt so I usually blast friendlies the first 20 minutes of the game.

Game works great!

my copy should be here by saturday, lets see if it lives up to the hipe

p.s. what happened to all the halo fans, is that fps not as good as cod4?


my copy should be here by saturday, lets see if it lives up to the hipe

p.s. what happened to all the halo fans, is that fps not as good as cod4?


Halo can’t touch it.

Halo story>COD4

COD4 realism>Halo

kinda of different shooters really, Halo is fantasy whereas COD4 is modern warfare (lol)

halo is like quake, cod4 is like r6

cod4> halo any day of the week.


I played online a little yesterday… found it VERY hard! Maybe I’m just a noob…

Anyways I should be on tonight around 11pm… xbox~

ps: graphics are intense, even on my non HD tv!


i feel ya man… played at a friends house earlier this week and I got pwned hardcore. I really suck at console FPS’s. I’m envious of the people that can use the controller well


i feel ya man… played at a friends house earlier this week and I got pwned hardcore. I really suck at console FPS’s. I’m envious of the people that can use the controller well


You really do get better, never better than someone with a mouse and keyboard but you do get better.

I just got the helo attac in a multi player last night, i thought you go in the helocopter i was bummed when it just shot everyone :frowning:

But on the bright side i won that round by 5 kills. I love the ranking system on this game though.

how do u get helicopters?



how do u get helicopters?



7 kills in a row

i’m so excited to play this tonight. i’ve been preoccupied with other things and couldnt get on last night… but i intend on getting mad rankz!!! tonight.

also, getting the red dot scope helps ANYTHING.

:tup: this will replace a dying r6 for me… and it gets very strategic, which is awesome :slight_smile: :tup:

anyone who doesnt have me on their xboxlive’s and intends on playing, add me kk : z3chs


halo is like quake, cod4 is like r6

cod4> halo any day of the week.



Xbox360 the shooter console(might as well lump gears in there)

I like R6 and its larger sense of realism, not just a run and gun game, COD4 should be well worth it then



Xbox360 the shooter console(might as well lump gears in there)

I like R6 and its larger sense of realism, not just a run and gun game, COD4 should be well worth it then


The only thing i don’t like about cod is that you can’t use cover like r6. In cod you can shoot through weak structures so it would be great to be able to hide behind stuff but people could still blow it to shit if they tried hard enough.

thats what chairs are for

i was a little hesitant to pick this game up cause im not a big fan of realistic shooting games but i got a check in today for $175 so i figured i would get it and boy am i gl;ad i did its a sweet game


i’m so excited to play this tonight. i’ve been preoccupied with other things and couldnt get on last night… but i intend on getting mad rankz!!! tonight.

also, getting the red dot scope helps ANYTHING.

:tup: this will replace a dying r6 for me… and it gets very strategic, which is awesome :slight_smile: :tup:

anyone who doesnt have me on their xboxlive’s and intends on playing, add me kk : z3chs


Just wait until you get the ACOG scope for which ever gun you’re using :smiley:

I all ways rent before I buy. Im a cheap ass so I hate making shity investments. I am so buying it though. I love the fact that you can shoot through 2x4 made fences and other weak material. Also love the realism when it comes to sniping.

Havent done any online play yet but look forward to it.

Someon eneeds to add me lol

Mechaniclymad is my 360 Id