Does anyone know if coilovers will get wrecked by driving with them in the winter? Or will there be no problem with doing this?
Yeah I saw this before but, there is no definitve answer there that I can see…
I wouldnt do it. Id say most people dont do it. But then again, some do.
Well, it is a good thing I haven’t got rid of the stockers yet, I guess. :?
They tend to seize up from my experience.
Depends on brand
Some fluid is only good for -5 (d2 k-sport)
Some adjusters like to sieze (tein is known for this)
It is up to you, personaly i would buy some stock shit for the winter
Or just park it
just incase you should take them off so they dont rust and seize up , nothing wrong with stockers in the winter as the ride is alot better…coilovers are too much$$ to wreck them in the winter
Yeah mine are destroyed from last winter.
Ya all last year on this site and beyond i heard of guys blowing their coilovers, especially the tein ones.
i’ll be running some tein adjustable struts/shocks this winter (set to the softest). they aren’t coil overs, we’ll see how they stand up.
not a good idea to run in winter around here…corrosion, dirt geting in threads so you cant adjust anymore basiclly its just to harsh of winters here to run them! i do not recomend it!
maybe i will throw on some old used stockers…
drove wit a set of teins flex all winter last year NO problems at all.
ESPECIALLY Teins … take them off … you wont be doing any agressive road racing in the winter … rather put the stock ones and have the extra height and travel for all the ruts and snowbanks …
that was a mistake! teins are the worst for rusting away! deffinetly seen a pic of a guy who snapped his due to rust!
last winter we hardly got any snow for most of it… could be why none of our cars rust got worse.
people will pay for laziness in the end … I dont want to work on a car that is rusty and components that are rusty …
ask yourself if you want to work on another DSM Aaron …? wrench+WD40+Snipe+heating torch = snapping bolt action …
save your sports cars people …