Collector/Classic Plates

Anyone have these? How hard is it to get. I’m thinking about getting them for my Rx7, will make insuring it for what I want much easier.

A few things, it looks absolutely nothing like it did stock… severely modified also has a ls2 not a rotary. Also, i’m going to drive it a decent amount in the summer, 2-3 days a week when it’s nice out. Not sure if they check mileage.

Well Classic Plates are out of the question for you. It has to appear stock, and you need to send in 4 pics of the car one from every side. They wont know whats under the hood, but like you said the outside looks nothing like stock. I run Classic Plates on my car, but I got them before I bought the Cowl Hood & GTA Wheels for it. I can go into more detail but why bother you cant get them lol.

Next is Collector Plates. Collector Plates from my understanding are the same as Classic EXCEPT the car CAN be modified engine & body wise. I think you still need to send in 4 pics, but like I said it doesnt have to appear stock. There are restrictions on when (X # of times per week) and how much (Mileage) you can drive but Id have to look that up. Also, your car inspection & emmisions will be different too, but Id have to also look that up.

fuck it… send in pics of another blue Rx7 what the fuck will they know. say everything was done after it. that will bypass the state. now will the local cops know that is wrong and bust you after that?

Ive never had a problem with the cops and me having a Classic Plate, but thats something older and a ‘classic’ I dunno how they would take an RX7 built like his with plates lol.

BTW what year is your RX7?


You can see, it basically doesn’t look anything a like.

Do you know if the state checks the mileage. I’m an electrical engineer, i could easily manipulate the digital speedo to say whatever I want, but won’t go through the trouble if they dont check mileage. I’d say i’d put 5k a year on it.

I know it’s illegal, but i’m not really doing it to manipulate buyers.

The only way they can check is through state inspection records