College loans vs. Good school?

I’m asking for the opinion of the masses. I have both options of attending a good school and another being able to get out of college with only 40k in debt as opposed to 100k from the good school. What does experience tell you guys? I’m not sure exactly what I want to do but would I be better off having the name of one school as opposed to having no debt from the other? I may also be considering medical school after but is it worth the risk to stay where I’m at, or get the name and have to pay? I guess I’m really asking people who are already out of college and know the impact alot of debt has/had/or the lack there of.

if you do not know what you want to do yet, start at a SUNY school. when you figure it out, transfer to a good school that has your field (pre-med) and go from there.

suny has some great schools as well just because they are state schools doesn’t mean they are not “good” schools. Suny Binghamton is ranked 86 and university of Rochester is 34 a difference yes but for that much debt probably not. Do what your supposed to do in school and it doesnt matter where you go you will be successful when you get out as long as you keep doing what your supposed to.

Simply figure out the degrees you’d like to graduate with. Then look at both schools placement percentage after graduation for that degree. Then compare that to the starting salary for those degrees in the various areas of the US you want to live. Next compare the average starting salary for those degrees from both schools. Use this information to make a decision.

Lastly throw out all that information because a great percentage of students switch majors after a year. :slight_smile:

I’d personally accept the debt and go to the better school.

Maybe med school’s different, but if I had $100k of extra debt just so that the diploma hanging next to me said Cornell instead of UB I’d hang myself.

I really wonder how many private school kids finance the whole thing. $100k is a HUGE student loan, and that’s what, not even half of a medical education?

always go suny ive been to pitt ive been to utica an ive been to buffstate if u can find a suny school that is not here like brockport or somethin then do it i recomend goin away becuz the expiereince is a big deal but try to keep your debt low my 28 k of debt will come out to about 96 k when im done so keep that in mind college isnt about names or where u went its about starting somethin an finishing it ask any employer

honestly though, if you really dont know what you want to do- you could even start out at a community college. Get your CC’s done with. get really good grades and get schlorships when you transfer out. I did that and got 3 schlorships when i transferred. It was def. worth it.

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:2,topic:26955"”]

if you do not know what you want to do yet, start at a SUNY school. when you figure it out, transfer to a good school that has your field (pre-med) and go from there.


good advice


good school>>>>better then student loans if you ever want to leave WNY

meh, save the good school $$ for grad school. do well enough in undergrad, and you’ll have no issue getting into the good grad school with a SUNY bachelor’s

Has anyone here gotten into Grad/medical school with a SUNY degree? and whats “well enough”?

I went to a private school, and I came out 60k in debt after I was done, but only went there for 3-5 of my years. Personally I think the education and attenion I recieved/able to get was well worth the money. I personally feel I came out with a little bit more than my friends from a suny school. I think the classes/programs are better. but this is an argument that is debated by a lot of people which is better. If don’t want student loans that are high, go to a suny school, but your going to have big class sizes for your first 3 years even after that. At a private school, you will high interest loans, but you don’t need an appointment to talk to your professor and your class sizes are more like 20-30 people starting. One class I was in for one of my more advanced finance classe had 8 people in it. I personally like that and feel i was able to lean more. The down fall is in this area, it does not matter where you go, or what your degrees in. Its a crappy job market. If you were to leave buffalo, i feel the private school might benefit you more. When it comes to getting out of school to get a job, its not what you know its who you know. After you get your foot in the door, its what you know and how you prove yourself from there on out. If you have friends at either school, see if you can go with them and sit in a class or 2 at each school, see what you like, learning style might be.
Best of luck


Has anyone here gotten into Grad/medical school with a SUNY degree? and whats “well enough”?


prolly 3.5 or better, if you’re going for med… of course, the question would probably be more appropriately answered by the admissions dept of whatever grad school you’d want to go to for your Ph.D.

get a few phone #s for them, make a couple calls, and you’ll have your answer :tup:


Has anyone here gotten into Grad/medical school with a SUNY degree? and whats “well enough”?


Id say 3.2 gpa would get you in somewhere 3.5 would get you a good school 3.9+ would get you in a great school. Also people from suny schools have defintly gotten into medical school before. Suny schools are very good schools in this country and many people in New York take them for granted because they are a state school However both UB and Binghamton are ranked in the top 150 Colleges in the United States thats pretty good considering there are 4,216 in the united states

I would definitely at least start undergrad in a SUNY school. UB is a very good school.

100k+ of student loans would hang over your head for years.

If you want to actually learn things, go private. If you’re OK with 300-person classes taught in a lecture hall by a guy you can’t understand, as long as he gives you a B, then SUNY it is.