Color Pole

i know, seems to me like someone needs to finally just let things go

u need to shut the fuck up bitch boy, i didn’t say anything about ur girl. i actually said something to do with cars and you tell me “fuck you” ? please son. suddenly you have a chevelle SS? Its widely know that the Buick GS stage 1’s were faster than the LS6 chevelle anyway. Probes weren’t made for bends, Corvettes,vipers were. Probes were made for lesbian softball players with newports rolled up in their sleeves. But anytime you want i’ll be glad to race the SS against the Probe.

one more time!!& its ban time!


Pigblocks duking it out

Ban me, i don’t give a fuck. he didn’t say shit to me in person, i dropped it, he brought it back to the table.

you two were wussys :kekegay:

black would look badass

yeah, black would look badass :stick:

Your the one that keeps trash talking on here. You have a problem with me and i’m getting tired of it. I’m pming you my number and we can either take car of this bullshit now or you can get over it a no say another word to me.

Don’t you fucking open you mouth to me about “my car sucks”, becasue not a person on the site actually thinks that or really gives 2 shits about what you think in the first place. I don’t rag on you g-bodys ot trash talk on you perion, even thought you lif a “different” life then myself. You need to get your shit straight and back the fuck off me allready, because i’m at my wits end with you.


pm sent, enough of this on the board.

good call & thanks!