colorado school bans flag

Thats Bullshit. This is America. If immigrants have a problem thet gtfo and go back to your own shitwhole country. Don’t come here with your bullshit and complain about ours.

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

man you’re fucking retarded.


It’s apparent that you are the only thinking person in this thread Jam, kudos for digging deeper, I see your point… :tup:

heres another link and no its not bullshit my roommate went to that school and we have a lot of friends there. and heres a letter he wrote to different media companys

I am a Mexican-American citizen of the United States of America. Not only am I a Mexican-American citizen of the United States of America, I also have given 4 years of my life to help protect what this country stands for; freedom. Recently, the ultimate symbol of freedom in the United States, the American Flag, has been disgraced. To me, burning the flag is just as bad as banning it from flying proudly over the country for which it stands. I am appalled at the recent actions taken place by the administration at the school I also graduated from, Skyline High School. As a nation, have we really gotten so caught up in to the feelings of everyone else and political correctness that we will disgrace our own country of residence by taking down or “banning” its symbol of freedom at an institution which aims to teach what is right and wrong? I don’t know about you, but I’m scared to death of what the next generation of men and women will do with this once fine country when it comes time for my generation to pass the torch and rely on the decisions of our offspring to take control of our future. We have not only disgraced the ultimate, most widely known symbol of freedom in the world, but we have slapped those in the face who have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect it. While I may have indifferent feelings to the direction that the administration of our country is taking us, I am still proud to be an American citizen and would give my life in the blink of an eye to protect it.
The actions of Tom Stumpf, however conceived, were a very poor attempt to resolve possible conflict between the American and Hispanic flag supporting students. Also, to pour salt in an open wound, those students who protested by showing back up at school with their American flags proudly raised were suspended from the institution. The day my children (someday if I decide to have them), come home and tell me that the symbol of our nation was banned from their school, that will be the day my children will attend a different school. A school that is not afraid to show American pride. What’s next? The flag will be brought down off the flag pole? The flags flown above schools are not only visible by those attending the school, but by the community abroad. Mr. Stumpf’s poorly devised decision has not only affected those attending the school but those proud American citizens in the community as well. Now that this issue has had national attention, the hurt and disgrace has spread to proud American family households all over the country. It will be a very sad day when the clothing colors Red, White and Blue are banned from our public schools. I am truly embarrassed to say that I’ve attended Skyline for my high school education. Mr. Stumpf, I don’t know how you can possibly ever preach to your students about school pride now that you’ve stripped them of American pride.

you should read the post right before yours :tup:

wow some people are fucking stoopid. i even made it like 7 font… wtf.

hey, country bumpkin, do me a favor and read my post, about 5 posts up from yours. also click on the link in that post for the real story.

basicly, what happened is the principal banned people from bringing in their own flags, because different people from different countrys decided to use them to taunt, and belittle people.

the conservitive report aka radical right wing news decided to take this story, and spin it, leaving out a few very important facts to get simpletons who believe everthing they read all worked up. ummmmm it worked pretty well too.

flags still fly in every classroom and in front of the school.

one more thing, would you mind defining “shitwhole” for me? im unfamiliar with that term…


jam, i am impressed. :tup: X 7583497659036

Word. Good job.

I saw the news source in the link and right away was thinking it was spun to piss off conservatives.

WOW…Big suprise, I used the wrong spelling for a word and thats what you make fun of me for…typical Liberal, can’t spea of the subject., you have to detour to something else and avoid the actual topic at hand.

Typical liberal?? Its odd that you would associate a technique that EVERY policitician uses with being liberal.

Maybe thats why he called you retarded.

Or maybe it was because you buy the bullshit written in what amounts to a conservative biased rag.

Umm…I did read your post before mine. Im talking about the entire situation in general. :ham:

And I’m sorry I made a spelling error…it happens.

:cry: :roll2:

maybe it’s because you were acting like Mr. “America > your shitty country” and at the same time you totally botched a word. It’s always funny to watch you self destruct. It’s not just a typo, a typo is saying “teh” and not “the” YOU however had no idea how to put the word “Shithole” together. You took an entirely different word with an entirely different meaning when you typed in “shitwhole”

illegal immigrants education level and understanding of the english language > JEG

And address what subject? That you and all the other morons who didn’t bother to look into the story more didn’t see what was really happening? Eventhough it was posted for you in HUGE text.

lol, he’s got you.

I just want to verify - you all understand the truth in this statement. If it were not true, then why do we have [illegal] immigrants at all? They would be tourists, not immigrants. If their country was better, they would be living there, and not trying to break our laws by living here.

Do you know why America is the country it is today? Becuase poor immigrants worked endless days so they could raise a family and make their childrens lives better.

I mean seriously, if you want all the illegal immigrants to vanish, REMOVE IMMIGRATION QUOTAS.

And this bullshit about “citizenship” test that parents should have to take is fucking :lol: Better get your mom and dad, and their parents down to the immigration office to take the test to make sure you still qualify to be an american citizen.

you forgot WW2 :slight_smile:

if not for that… we probably wouldnt see half the stuff/technology/quality of life that we see today

Sounds like someone didn’t pay attention in American History. This country is the way it is because of wealthy landowners. Our independence was fought for because we didn’t want to give up our money. I don’t have time to go into it right now, but I’ll be back later…