Come at me bro [split]

Balance Summary$31,398.68 of Available Balance (Opens a new window) as of today

so is that


Wow, I clearly need to install 2 way glass behind my counter :rofl

first ones to post other pics of the girls (besides dave) wins!

Lets play post your W2 FTW…i might actually have a shot at that game, but im not rich, lol

Dave (L4B) gets a lot of hate but has backed up just about every claim he has ever been called out on no matter how ridiculous it seemed.

The guy could tell me he fucked fucked Lindsay Lohan while taking shots with Obama and I’d do some digging before doubting him.

With that kind of cash I surely would buy something better then a dumpy Mitsubishi…maybe a gtr, vette cts-v not an eclipse.

And love what does showing off your money going to do for you?? No one on here I’m sure gives 2 shits, I get you may have wanted to prove that you have the cash, again who cares?? I had 30k in the bank too (not any more)… And I drove a tow truck…

I’m friends with the late 1evlzr1 and you sound just like him… this forum is going to eat you up too, just a matter of time before you’re gone.

Now that I think about it, I think you’re worse then tony. At least he bought cool shit…

He acts like 40k is a ton of money. You need more then that available at any time because you never know what’s go na roll though the door when you own a pawn shop. Idk who he’s trying to impress but it’s comical

yeah and you’re a loser for working at bj’s.

Yeh working part time there while getting my degree, getting paid to do my assigments for school at work was suchhhhhh a loser move

I bought an eclipse because I like eclipses, always have… I thought about buying a lamborghini, the payments were only $2k a month which is a joke for a $150k car… but for what?? People already ask me for money all the time, imagine what a lambo would do… I also dont like payments, my BMW, Eclipse, Winter civic and house were all bought outright to AVOID payments and interest… Besides, my eclipse will destroy a lambo soon enough. I flaunt my money on here and honestly only on here because people talk so much shit and act like they know everything when REALLY they know NOTHING and HAVE NOTHING.

no no no you stupid fuck… Read the thread.

Hes not a looser for working at BJ’s…IIIIII used to work at BJ’s when I was 18… He’s a looser because hes telling me im a joke with no money WHIILLEEE hes working at BJ’s. If your going to talk down to someone you at LEAST have to be higher up then the said person.


Qucik pic of what im rollin with, whos ballin now ni99aaaaa

almost repped u lol…

loving the paper clip to hold those 4 dollars together

Yup im a stupid fuck. you’re the only one coming on this site showing pictures of you getting your dick sucked… I’m sure those 2 subjects are dudes too. Im sure the only person that will enjoy those pictures are turbo travis J/k travis … and showing pictures of a table full of cash… again no one fucking cares how much money you have, make, spend, waste, or give dudes to take your picture for facebook…whatever…

no one thinks you’re any cooler for showing us your cash or cock sucking pictures…

bet you have a bigger dick!! can I have that stick of gum?? little poor this week.

then why did I get like 28 reps from it?? :dunno

This forum is about having fun and obv posting pics of random hoes is pretty fun… i can only imagine how many boostcreep has gotten from his thread of naked bitches.

sorry… You got 28+ reps… you’re the man…

yeah Im sure ryan has gotten plenty of rep… his pictures are of real women that are hot… not fucking trannys