Come Play Battlefield (BF2, BF3 & Now BF4)

I was wondering where u went :slight_smile:

At the awesome frame-rates my computer was pushing out I was going to probably going to end up boiling the coolant. 2 to 4FPS FTW :headbang:

As for me I’ll stick to inf. only servers for awhile at least it can handle that. Will give me a chance to get better at it too.

Yeah it’s taken me until now to get real good with the chopper and jets. Find a server with some noobs and get good :tup:

Indeedzors, noob servers are too easy though. It’s just high player servers are a wee too much for my already over-taxed 1.2GHz CPU. :slight_smile:

dling the beta now

gay… most people cant play the new bf… says some bs about being modified… no fix yet.

There are two beta’s out. You can’t do incremental on them and they are not labled on the download. :tdown:

Only way you can tell is in game it will say beta 1 or 2 on the hud. :-/

I saw on fileplanet that you have to be a subscriber(not the free account) to get a “chance” to play the beta…lammmmeee

i’m enjoying it

Bastards… so how is titan mode?

is there a way to get an activation code :snky:, I tried a BTed keygen and all it did was try to give me a trojan

I’ll be on for a bit tonight if anyone is around :tup:

If my computer is capable of keeping pace I might join in. Then again I could just toss some ice in the tank and bumping up the clock speeds up might do the trick.

Or shatter the core, which would be equally cool. :slight_smile:

come play on my server Masters of War Ranked BF2
IP: : 16567

64 slot

{MoW} GuyShocker (lol)

^^ CLICK!! For those that are going to buy 2142 :tup:

Someone tell me how to use the BF2 taunt…

2142… that will take off… :rolleyes: just like AF,EF,SF… lol

Just like EA to beat a dead horse well into the ground. :slight_smile:

Just got the new(er) hardware in, who is up for playing later. :slight_smile:

When are you going to be on?

Probably 10-10:30, depends on how long it takes to patch it. Uggg… 20 minutes into it, and it’s only at 8%.

bump It’s ready, and even 500% more playable. Yay!