Come play Forza 2 offical thread/ NYSpeed Forza Racing Series

anyone down for playing tonight send me a message on live

you got to put the wing on the vette to get it to sit. it is a fun car though and the alms one is kick ass!



how much are the fucking wheels?
link me to the good one


This is the one i’m using… only spent ~1 hr with it so far. I’d def recommend the “low” sensitivity setting (:eek: ), but otherwise it does well.

There is always the ~$150 M$ wireless one, but i’ve never used it.

bump for hitting level 26

im at 32, for the 2nd time…lol

try the old ferrari, talk about a shitty handling car


^ for the 2nd time?

yeah i deleted my profile b4 i knew i could change regions ingame.


ohhh, doh!

anyone up for some forza over christmas break?


Fuck yeah

Gamertag: Ionesque

i wish i had high speed internet

Ooooo i just got my 42’’ HD Plasma…i’m down :slight_smile:

Sent you a friend request. I am “Cokedoctor”

Sweet what time are you on?

2.5 years later…

Anyone still playing forza 2? I just got back into it awaiting forza 3 to come out in October. If anyones down for some drifting or just plane racing hit me up. Gammer tag “SnowBoardinWNY” haha go figure

I never stopped.

Im currently playing, just turned level 46, just need to renew Live.

I play. I just got into it relatively recently, it’s only 20 bucks with the add on pack.

I have a sickkkkkk nasty D class Porsche 914/6

Ya i still love the game.Im down for some online play once I renew my live account.

Post up Your actual cars, I’ll try my best making them I made a couple others on the board but looking to do more.

Working on Newmans Lotus right now but, I need a current picture as i saw it the other day on union and don’t know what stickers are on it.