Coming Soon - Free Citywide Wi-Fi

Thought about posting this in the Nerd/Geek section but fuck it - if you don’t know about WiFi, you need to crawl back under the rock you came from.

ok - so the title might be misleading since it’s not about Buffalo and its about San Francisco, but its just another reason to move to the Left Coast.

SF is planning to have free WiFi for the entire city - I actually heard the mayor Gavin Newsome speak about it a week ago at an event. Woot! Can’t wait for this to happen.


i cant imagine the DSL/CABLE providers like this at all

Crap, put SF in the title. If they are thinking about it for SF Buffalo should have it in about 401 years.

WiFi doesn’t HAVE to be high speed, nor 80-90% reliable like Cable. It would be nice for a free anywhere access, but I highly doubt you’d get a great high-speed connection for free.

yea for every one good reason there are 50 bad reaons not to

EVDO through Sprint will hold me over though. There are some WiFi Hotspots in Buffalo. And enough non-password protected access points down every street I drive.

WiMax is the future. Buy stock in the small companies now.

:word: They will be huge… guaranteed.

I am up over 20% with STXN already :slight_smile: