Coming up on snowboard season; who here goes?

quoted for truth.

I’ve hit pico before and could definitely see the appeal there. Some nice runs and way less crowded. Again, was super icy when I went though.

I have never had a bad day out west. Last time I was in CO, we skied breck for 2 days and it was 60 degrees each day. Skipped a day to hang in Boulder then got crushed with 18 inches that night and hit a-basin the next morning.

I’m trying to set some stuff up with some friends for out west fun. I was thinking Squaw or Snowbird, maybe Hood / Timberline. Any suggestions? We want to leave Colorado and try some other places this time around.

also, I would be down for some park skiing if you guys don’t mind a two-planker heading out with you. I can hold my own and really want to work on pipe skiing this year