Coming up on snowboard season; who here goes?

yep. that thing was a monster and the wall ride that was there was pretty crazy too. I never hit the top of it but it was fun trying! Definitely got wrecked on it pretty good too!

I’ll have to see if marks_lude can post some vid of the past season. He is on pitt’s snowboard team and they make a vid every year. I got to film stuff for them and they put a clip of me in. It was of me catching an edge dropping into that massive pipe. It was late march and super soft. Edge caught and I couldn’t free it before I reached the lip. ended up going 270 to left arm from about 15 feet. Blew my hat and goggles clean off. It sucked.

p.s. I owe a lot of my last season progression, specifically rails to him. He really pushed me and it was awesome to actually do stuff I wasn’t doing. I also realized that it doesn’t hurt as much to fall as I had been fearing.