compTIA +network

tellin you right now as someone that would hire people with these certs, A+ network+ mean jackshit to me.

for what its worth…

Anyone actually in the field knows they are BS

A+ and Degrees from ITT

2 things that won’t get your hired in IT :slight_smile:

I’ve been on several Job interviews where A+ and Net+ were required. But then I’ve also been on several where they were beneficial but not required.

i have 40 hours of “web training”



don’t forget bryant and stratton…

no one that expects the person to know anything will hire someone with those certs, or any degree really without work experience.

MCSE is ok - it teaches you plenty of shit that you actually need to know to run windows servers, which is valuable. I still would hire someone with a year of proven experience over any cert though.

those are just big corps looking to give a reason to weed people out, that is lazy recruitment, and will result likely in crappy employees :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t think of any decent job that would require A+

On the other hand these would be helpful

Any Citrix cert

Thats the worst, I tired that and I couldn’t grasp the concepts or pay attention. I’m enrolled at Campus Linc, everythings paid for.

I have a week long session at Campus link next month for Citrix Presentation server :gay2:

word, morning or nights? I go Monday and Wednesday nights.

Its 8-5 Monday-Friday Feb 25th - 29th

It will suck

haha, Joe and Shawn run the place, great guys. The receptionist is very cute, I’d like to… :suckoff:

<3 citrix, we use it for apps out of office…

we just bought gotoassist soooooo sexy

The one with dark hair??

Yea shes a big Sabres fan…

I was attempting to hit on her last time I was there… :lol:

Citrix is cool they just bought Xen(Open Source VMWare)

I have to take the Xen cert next week :frowning:

The presenation server cert for citrix sucks…

Im gonna come work with you zwarbyt!

yea Ashley I think her name is, she flirts with everyone… its hard to tell whats on her mind but then again shes a woman. I knew her about 5 years ago when I was attending classes at New Horizons, was a cutie then too.

CompTIA is worthless at your level Z

unless he’s going to work with the government or many other large corporations who say “get the fuck out and come back when certified”

Thats what I’m saying, I need it because even though it may be bullshit the job I’m trying to get requires it.

I honestly don’t think any of these certs are bullshit, unless you’re already in the field and have a few years experience; which I don’t so the next best thing is to try and get experience while obtaining these certifications.