Computer freezing issues...

Format went well… got some stuff installed to run right. We’ll see from here.

Format… didn’t work…
tryed removing a stick of memory… didn’t work.
Swapped the memory… didn’t work.
I’m out of options…


What about not using the new hard drive? Sorry if you already tried that, didn’t read every comment. Otherwise, it could be a mobo or PS problem.

Windows error checking, lol. Spinrite quite possibly one of the best drive checking applications out there. It’s been around since the days of MFM & RLL Hard drives, with several revisions of course. Truely an excellent program. :tup:

But a drive error can definatly cause an issue like that if it’s a system file.

Also just to point out overheating isn’t just limited to the CPU, and your computer won’t always beep. I have heat issues with mine where it will randomly freeze/BSoD with no warning until I stick a fan in the side. As for some off reason my video card keeps overheating killing the system. And my system is not overclocked, and I’ve even gone so far as to pull every heat-sink and repapplied thermal paste on everything in the system. The problem still occurs to this day 3 years later.

Nothing shows up in error checking. I’ve already done spinrite at it’s highest setting. I’d hate to buy new hdd for windows and have it keep freezing… :(:(:frowning:

Try Knoppix, or any other LiveCD for that matter. If that starts crashing you can be sure it is a hardware problem. You might have to unmount your hard drive if it auto mounts it.

Good thing I dont have LINUX!!

You don’t need to have linux… downalod the LiveCD… it won’t fuck up your partitions or anything… it is just a good test to see if it is windows or your hardware…

WTF mate…

Well… running Windows on a brand new kick ass hard drive. Sata… 80gb… froze on me today whlie I was gone.

I’m now at the point where I don’t know what the f*ck to do. I’m so pissed right now that it’s no where near funny…

Its probably just Dirty. Open up the case and spray a 10 part water to a 1 part dawn ultra solution.

thinking… give me a little bit…

get cpu-z and check the voltages and timings on the ram, and the voltages on the processor… could be a power issue where its failing and not supplying enough power to the processor… idk about this beeping thing you people talk about… my computer has never beeped for a power issue. might just be my mobo being cheap…

and when it freezes… does just lock up… or does the screen go blank. blue screen of death

(re reading through posts sry if i’m redundant right now)

bring it to someone that knows what they are doing :tup:

Check the capacitors on the board…