computer help

so… what’s the easiest way to modify %systemroot%\system32\logon.scr

my executive director wants our company’s logo to bounce around the screen like the windows xp logon… i don’t want to write my own screensaver… i’d like to just modify one… anyone have suggestions WITHOUT using a 3rd party software… if that’s the case i can just buy whatever and do it… just wondering if you can edit / create .scr files, i never messed with them.

I don’t know if they are editable without a 3rd party software… maybe you could find a free-trial one at though?

I was under the impression that .scr’s are simply .exe’s renamed to be a screen saver??

they are… but if you edit it as an exe then how do i convert to .scr… just changing the file type doesn’t work :frowning: ontop of the fact that i don’t see what i should be editing… it should just be a call for the .gif / .jpeg, but it’s embedded into the file… so i don’t know exactly how to put in a new picture, or remove the current… :hs:

huskygrl… i know. i’m hoping i can just do it… i can’t use shareware or anything non-licensed… the whole legal thing… :slight_smile:

the only way i know how to do it is through 3rd party software

Thats what I meant… .exe isn’t as simply as a .gif or .jpg would be. If you find a simple way please post as I’d like to do that here as well.

yeah… i love how my job is to setup email server, user permission / file access, internet share / vpn / ssl , and creating custom screensavers :doh: :doh:

i’ll let you guys know what the deal is!

I also get to copy gigantic books, deliver packages, answer phones during the secretary’s lunch, take pictures for other people, and do filing!

[sarcasm]Its so awesome, it’s like 30 jobs in one!! [/sarcasm]

hahahaha! gotta keep it interesting :redface: