Computer. i cant figure this out.

Correction all of my customers STILL use AV/FW software because they don’t know as much as i do when it comes to computers, and they had problems until i came along…the only time i have ever had to revisit a site was to reprogram a wireless router that has lost all the settings due to a extended power outage where the customer lived. You also must not read to well because i have only said that I MYSELF am the one who doesn’t use AV/FW software because i have no need my main machine runs linux…nobody takes the time to make viruses for linux. Your best defense is knowing what you enemy can and can’t do…in other words the only way i see something getting into one of my machines is

  1. i download a virus on purpose
    2.the fbi decides to h4x0r me
  2. you get physical access to one of my machines

none of those are even feasible.

Stereotypical User

Internet Explorer - Brain dead newbie. Loves pop-ups, viruses, and spyware. Just wants to “surf the Internet and check my email.” Oblivious to alternative lifestyles. Seeks help from “computer smart” nephew.

Firefox - Proselytizing ubergeek. Loves freedom, choice, and tabbed browsing. Just wants to “improve mankind with Open Source Software.” Oblivious to market forces and the power of money. Seeks other geeks to join in on the evangelism.

Now back on topic :tool: (s)