Take this with a grain of salt:
Just because you’ve been doing this on the side and for 8 years doesn’t mean that you know what you are talking about. I have also done side work for very long time. I have a vast amount of experience from the Army and education, and learn something new every single day about computers.
Doing this as “side work” and using “Linux” might be impressive to some people, but is hardly a qualifier, especially with no degree.
The best thing that I learned from people that had more experience in the computer industry: Just when you think you know what you are talking about, STFU and go get MORE professional education and more on the job experience.
A rule of thumb for me (and for you too) : If the customer has data that needs saved from a drive because of no backup or whatever, I will go the extra mile to recover or fix the existing OS. No data to be saved: Start from scratch, especially if the OS has been in place for a few years. Even Windows XP has about a 5 year lifespan when it will need rebuilt.
I go to people’s homes everyday where the brotherinlaw, nephew, or grandson has fixed their computers. In 9 out of 10 situations the customer always says “My so and so fixed this 2 weeks ago, but it still isn’t like it used to be.” 8 out of 10 times the computer needs thrown in the trash.
Educating people on a newer way (i.e. Linux, Opera, Firefox) is not always an option. People like to use what they are used to using. Try explaining and converting someone to Opera that has only used AOL for the last 14 years.
Keep throwing your suggestions out there, because someone might like to try your way, just don’t come off like your way is the only way.
Don’t take it personal and have a nice day.