Computer. i cant figure this out.

I never come off as if my way is the only way. there are options and choices in everything that we do in life. I do things my way whether people like it or not…for those who don’t they can kiss my ass. I don’t intend on getting a degree with this because it’s not what i love to do anymore…sure when i was young i loved computers…now they have become just another “thing” under my belt. I still learn new things about them from time to time but it’s not like i plan on taking this somewhere so there is no drive to do this anymore. And convincing people to “make the switch” has never been an obstacle for me. Outside of pittspeed in the professional world i’m a people person…i’ve worked in retail enviroments for only twopointfive years because of my age but i was one of the best when doing it…but just like computers…i lost interest in retail. I’m a service oriented individual and always will be. Just because someone has a degree and has their head stuck up their ass doesn’t make them the best option…

Take a real life situation…there is always some mechanic out there who never went to school but when it comes down to the get down he will mop the floor with the heads of those guys who actually paid to go to school.